Maraxus of Keld
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Maraxus of Keld

Legendary Creature — Human Warrior

Maraxus of Keld's power and toughness are each equal to the number of untapped artifacts, creatures, and lands you control.

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Mogg Toady
Marble Priest
Keldon Berserker
Goblin Rock Sled
Spin Engine

TsaboTavoc on Belbe's Portal + Legend

2 years ago

I guess my followup would be, how do I know what type of creature Maraxus of Keld is? I can look at him and, ya he looks like a Human Warrior, but he's also shirtless, could he not be a Human Barbarian? And Tsabo Tavoc is a Creature - Legend with no other types given.

legendofa on Belbe's Portal + Legend

2 years ago

No, the creature type Legend has been completely replaced by the supertype Legendary. Maraxus of Keld's typeline is Legendary Creature - Human Warrior, so in this example, naming Human or Warrior with Belbe's Portal would let you put down Maraxus. "Summon" is an old name for creature cards.

TsaboTavoc on Belbe's Portal + Legend

2 years ago

Can I assign "Legend" to Belbe's Portal to then play legendary creatures from my hand, e.g. Maraxus of Keld only has the type "Summon Legend". This makes sense in my head but seems like it might be misconstruing a card meant to be used to put tribal creatures onto the field.

FormOverFunction on None

3 years ago

I think that Progenitus is probably on the long list of creatures WotC plans to return to. You know, but adding “zombie” to it or something. While I understand RazortoothMtg’s take on this, and agree to an extent, I feel like the avatars are in a better position to be given the god subtype than most others. Having said that, I feel like anything that didn’t start with that subtype won’t be getting it. I feel like the god subtype should probably be considered 100% flavor. If god status was decided by power level or abilities then about a third of all the cards would be gods. Maybe only devotion-fueled creatures would qualify? But if that’s the case, would that start to move Maraxus of Keld towards godhood? Because your other permanents make him stronger...? Pretty sticky subject, so my guess is that gods are gods, and no one gets to become a god...||joking/not-joking comment incoming|| except for planeswalkers because they’ll do whatever they think will make planeswalkers even cooler because planeswalkers are AWESOME and Garruk will be the god of Limbo where he sulks forever between life and death, black and green, and Gideon will be some kind of angel-god and Elspeth will be up there too but she’ll have to set him straight because he will get too angry and lose the right or something and she’ll almost save him but not quite and then he will learn his lesson just in time to sacrifice himself and omg whatever ugh planeswalkers ||joking/not-joking comment ended||

Gleeock on It's raining men, HALLELUJAH!

6 years ago

Maraxus of Keld majored in Wedgies 408 (Doctorate level). He disapproves of his current lack of inclusion.

Dorotheus on Artifact Commanders [List]

8 years ago

After looking over the other artifact generals Thada Adel, Acquisitor (aggro) and Geth, Lord of the Vault (control/combo) are definitely artifact matters generals.

Shattergang Brothers (control) is, at least, a consideration because you need artifacts for him to work at all (and is more viable than Pia Nalaar as a general).

I would love to see a mono-red Maraxus of Keld (aggro/comb) artifact deck too lol

griffstick on

8 years ago

I guess I should talk about what works good from live testing. I've noticed that with grenzo in play it tends to be mostly effective in a second main phase deck where cards like Maraxus of Keld shine witch I will be adding in eventually. You also need the deck to function just fine without grenzo witch should be easy. So what I've noticed certain cards shined when grenzo was in play cards such as. Zealous Conscripts taking a blocker was good, Spawn of Thraxes killing a blocker was good, Inferno Titan for the same reason, Etched Champion gets through almost always, Avatar of Fury being able to cast it for 2 red is great but a flying 5/5 with a fire breathing built in was great. Hateflayer was especially good for grenzo can attack too and just use its untap ability to get grenzo through and keep him alive. That one I really liked. Hamletback Goliath got so huge so quick. But with Blade of Selves and or Rite of the Raging Storm inot play it was awesome. Sword of Feast and Famine was great. It was perfect. All the Swords were great especially Sword of Vengeance for its Trample and Vigilance mostly.

I played roughly 8 games didn't get to use all the cards but found myself not having and problem with mana. Being able to cast other peopls spells is such a nice quality that you usually find something to make your mana curve work just right. Additionally I found myself have any where from 3 to 5 creatures in play on an average at all times. So that was good. Flying for evasion was good too.

Grenzo allows you to build a mono red deck with creatures however you like. That's the coolest part.

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