Chthonian Necrobloom

Edge out value and eventually go crazy late game with zombies

Modern wallisface

[EDH][Primer] Sythis Enchantress Prison

Commander / EDH AstroAA


Update #1 - Deck Name Update —Aug. 24, 2021


If you're actually reading this, wonderful! Thank you!

I really just wanted to say that I changed the name. For the longest time, the definitions of the words "stax" and "prison" in regards to MtG has been muddled to me at best (my understood definition of stax was anything that made the game harder to play for your opponents), and as such I had this deck labeled as a stax deck. However, in regards to a recent enlightenment, I've changed the deck name to "Sythis Enchantress Prison", seeing as how we run very few taxing effects, (Elephant Grass, Ghostly Prison, and Suppression Field really being the only three). Now the deck should be a little more clearer; we aren't necessarily stax'ing out the opponent, we're just preventing them from doing anything at all; i.e, turning the board into a prison with the only escape being death, (or conceding - that works too).

Thanks for the support for the deck thus far! I really do appreciate it!


SynergyBuild says... #1

Why not run Living Plane over Nature's Revolt?

July 9, 2021 5:03 p.m.

AstroAA says... #2

SynergyBuild Because Living Plane is $400 and I don't have that kind of money to drop on a single card that I'm gonna use in a single deck. I would rather run it, but it's expensive.

July 9, 2021 8:14 p.m.

Azdranax says... #3

You can run Gauntlets of Light with Sanctum Weaver for the same infinite mana effect assuming you have your commander and one other enchantment on the board.

July 9, 2021 8:50 p.m.

AstroAA says... #4

Azdranax my one problem with Gauntlets of Light is that it is only truly useful with one card in the deck, Sanctum Weaver Now, I will admit, there are some other niche cards in the deck (Nature's Revolt is a good example) but I have multiple cards to combo with it (Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Linvala, Keeper of Silence).

July 9, 2021 9:03 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #5

No Satyr Enchanter is a bit confusing, tho I also run Argothian, as well as a lack of the Parallax Wave / Opalescence combo.

July 9, 2021 11:18 p.m.

AstroAA says... #6

SynergyBuild Huh, I've never seen that combo before. Interesting. So you abuse the stack to pretty much exile every creature you want to? That should be rather fun. I'll look into it.

As for the Satyr Enchanter , this is gonna sound weird; he was in the deck but I dropped him for Verduran Enchantress because I wanted the 'may' ability rather than the 'must' ability. I know Setessan Champion and Sythis herself are 'must' abilities, but Setessan offers a tad more than the Satyr does in buffing itself and Sythis is, well, the commander. Can't do much about her.

July 9, 2021 11:47 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #7

Earthcraft , Altar of the Brood , Eternal Witness , Setessan Champion , Eidolon of Blossoms and more cards with the Opalwave combo can go off too, as the combo can cause infinite etbs and flickers of other non-aura enchantments and creatures.

Earthcraft on its own is insanely powerful, and Opalescence makes it even better, Squirrel Nest goes infinite creatures, and cards like Altar of the Brood go infinite mill with that.

July 9, 2021 11:56 p.m.

AstroAA says... #8

Earthcraft is another one of those cards that is outside my budget sadly, otherwise I'd of already included the Earthcraft + Squirrel Nest combo. For some reason I always thought Altar of the Brood was just creatures. Since it's permanents that's far better than I expected.

July 10, 2021 1:42 a.m.

Dudebob589 says... #9

Hello, seems like a pretty cool deck you've put together. I'm trying to put a deck together for someone new to Magic and Sythis, Tuvasa and Karametra have all caught my eye. I have a few questions I hope you'll see and can respond to. 1. Is this deck fairly easy to pilot? The player would grow into the full potential of a deck like this, but I want them to at first be able to learn and still have fun without the need to always make the most optimized play that may be too complicated for them to see. 2. Do you have fun playing this style of deck? I personally gravitate towards other styles of play and am not familiar with how a deck like this feels. 3. Any comment on the competitiveness of this deck. I know it's subjective, but maybe a rating of 1-10?

July 30, 2021 12:41 p.m.

AstroAA says... #10

Hello Dudebob589!

I piloted a Karametra, God of Harvests deck for a couple years, which that list can be found here: [EDH][PRIMER] Karametra's Garden of Eden. However, keep note if you end up reading that deck I purposefully did NOT build her as an enchantress commander, and instead a storm-esque combo commander abusing her land-fetch ability. That deck in general though is outdated and I would definitely change it if I wanted to play it again.

Anyways, for your questions:

1) I will admit, I did make this list kind of complicated, or rather it has a lot of niche interactions, and I think a newer player would have trouble getting the full value of this particular list. However, I think in general Sythis, Harvest's Hand is indeed a rather simple commander; you play enchantments and draw cards. I think most of the difficulty in this list - and most lists to be fair - is decision making. When do I play this card? Do I respond to this particular threat now or later? How can I possibly win the game this turn? Etc. As I said previously, ultimately Sythis - and pretty much all enchantment-based decks - want to establish an engine with a creature that allows you to draw cards per each enchantment cast and then play a bunch of cheap enchantments, such as Utopia Sprawl to draw your deck and win the game via card advantage.

2) My main playstyle in commander is typically incorporating the commander into the strategy. For enchantress-based decks, I think undoubtedly Sythis, Harvest's Hand is the best commander because she does exactly that - she herself IS an enchantress. I will also say, this deck does have more of a stax-theme, meaning denying your opponents resources. After playing combo for ~5 years, this is something I've found myself rather enjoying as a break from combo, (my Karametra deck for example is one of the combo decks I played for a while). I find the deck fun to play due to the ability to easily incorporate the commander into the deck's strategy and having a playstyle that I find fun to play.

3) While I do think the deck is rather competitive, I do not think it is cEDH level, and if it is, it would be fringe at best. I do think the deck is stronger than the average EDH deck though. If I had to place it on a scale, where 1 is a pre-con and 10 is something like Oracle Consultation or Flash Hulk - I would probably place it at a 6 or 7. It definitely is beatable, but can preform fairly consistently.

Hopefully these answered your questions. If you have any others, feel free to message me and I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities!

July 30, 2021 1:33 p.m.

H-E-N-R-Y says... #11

I like the land base and versatile style that's going on here!

I can see why your commander is getting nipped: you've got a lot of really niche protection here and are missing a bit of the more encompassing protection like hexproof, indestructible and shroud

Overall you've got some real value in here! From where I'm sitting she will need more of a direction to run before you start seeing her place in anything, but I like the toolbox you're starting with here and I'll be sure to check in to see where you take her :)

August 14, 2021 8:04 p.m.

AstroAA says... #12

H-E-N-R-Y I appreciate the comment, although I don't know what you mean by missing protection. As well, the deck does have a defined direction - stax'ing out the opponent and preventing them from playing Magic while still working on assembling our own win-con.

I do admit, I don't run a large amount of direct permanent-based protection. All I really run is:

However, I do run more spell based protection, namely being:

However, I also do run pieces that counter ETB abilities, which is what has been primarily used against me, (things like Acidic Slime and Reclamation Sage).

I know in your version of Sythis you run a lot more aura spells. I'll be honest, I just don't like aura spells. I don't particularly have a good reason beyond that.

August 15, 2021 4:08 a.m.