There Is No Cow Level!

Commander / EDH* Megalomania


Longest Win Streak Ever! —Jan. 28, 2017

So I am now officially on a roll. After the addition of the Doomsday/Lab Maniac win con, I have yet to lose a game! I have won roughly 10-15 games (a mix of multiplayer and 1 on 1 games) during the said period and I am VERY happy.

A couple cards have been a bit underwhelming after the changes. These are: Transmute Artifact and Paradox Engine. I am also thinking of taking a land off the list as well. Do you guys have any suggestions on possible additions?

Some cards I am interested in trying are Squandered Resources and Whir of Invention. Your thoughts would be highly appreciated.

msedwick says... #1

Lot's of good conversation here, but I'm surprised I don't see Squandered Resources and Cadaverous Bloom in here to help fuel your mana needs. Throw in something like Exsanguinate, or Prosperity to help you even more; if you have Leovold out, the latter just let's your draw as much as you desire for .

January 10, 2017 10:57 a.m.

Megalomania says... #2

msedwick Wow, I can't believe I never thought of Squandered Resources. That does sound like a very good addition. I also love that it comes from an expansion that reminds me of the "good old times". Lol. I might need to bring back Crucible of Worlds to make it more useful outside the combo turn.

I also like Cadaverous Bloom but the cost seems a bit high to be of much use. With 5 mana, I can more or less win the game already. If I need more than that, I would probably need to pay for the DD pieces.

I don't see myself using Exsanguinate outside infinite mana since my group hardly ever gets any damage until they have taken me out of the game. Prosperity was here for some time but I have a hard time making Leovold stick so it often got stuck in my hand longer that I want it to.

Thanks for the suggestions. I would really appreciate if you could give me some suggestions of what to cut for Squandered Resources. I am really interested to test how well it would fit in the deck.

January 10, 2017 4:37 p.m.

Megalomania says... #3

I'm planning on adding Reanimate to help with the LabMan combo. I know most decks use Unearth but I was also thinking of replacing Future Sight with Magus of the Magus of the Future making Reanimate a better choice. This would weaken the storm combo a bit but will potentially make it faster.


January 13, 2017 5:29 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #4

Timetwister over Day's Undoing obv. Your budget SEEMS to support it.

I think that Paradox Engine is too weak here without a way to cheat it out (given that it's a 5-drop that gives you conditional mana). I understand the combo, but I'd honestly rather just put in another tutor to find Helm of Awakening.

No Crucible of Worlds or Beast Within? If your base can support it, Strip Mine might be a helpful utility card to add.

Final suggestion: Just play Lilbrudder's list, it's inevitable ;)

January 17, 2017 12:53 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #5

I dont know about all that. I dont play Lilbrudder's list anymore. I hate being public enemy number one in my playgroup.

January 17, 2017 1:07 p.m. Edited.

Daedalus19876 says... #6

Lilbrudder: If you're playing Leovold, I think being Public Enemy #1 is inevitable, I'm afraid ;)

I had thought he was going to be banned in the announcement yesterday, TBH.

January 17, 2017 1:16 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #7

That is why I stopped playing Leovold lol. Too much of a target. I think paradox engine is incredible if you build around it a bit more Megalomania, but it may be too much with DD and helm/top/FS. I can see using 2 of the three. DD+paradox engine might be pretty solid. It synergizes with dorks, which helps Leo and it allows easy kills with reservour. You could also try dramatic scepter and an infinite mana sink like Walking Ballista. I havent tested it with Leo, it juat sounds like it could be decent

January 17, 2017 1:30 p.m.

Megalomania says... #8

Daedalus19876, Lilbrudder I , on the other hand, kind of enjoy being the focus of hate. Lol. I have gotten used to it after playing combo for so long.

I would love to have Timetwister. Unfortunately, I have run out of extra kidneys to sell. Lol. Maybe in a couple of years.

As for Paradox Engine, I am not running it as a combo piece but as an enabler. It isn't essential but it helps me out a lot. I agree that an additional tutor might be more helpful but the only reasonable tutors left for me to add are out of my budget at the moment.

The Time Reversal combo with Walking Ballista is nice but I really think it is clunky especially without Ad Nauseam. I have not been able to use it since my playgroup has a couple of aggro decks that bring my life total down considerably low before I am able to combo off.

Infinite mana also won't be of much use to me. I think it would be better suited in my Oona deck or in Lilbrudder's Thraisos.

For this deck I stuck with "1-card combos". Being able to assemble combos via Doomsday and Insidious Dreams seems to be the fastest and most efficient way to win outside Tooth and Nail.

Lastly, Crucible of Worlds was taken out because it seemed underpowered to me without cards like Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Exploration. I am thinking of bringing it back in along with Squandered Resources but that would mean taking out Paradox Engine.

I'm not sure if you guys notice that I hate being on the defensive. It is for this reason I have no removal in the deck. I like going all in and win games at breakneck speed if possible.

January 17, 2017 5:10 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #9

I like your approach to Leo alot. Putting pressure on people is key. Either I hand lock you or I end the game turn 3-4. Give them no chance to breathe. If I lose I at least made people shit thier pants. Good deal Mega!

January 23, 2017 12:03 a.m.

Megalomania says... #10

Thanks bud! I have been the focus of hate in several groups that I play in since I started playing combo.

I tried to take some of the hate away from me when I constructed a group hug Zedruu deck. It's fun and all but I missed the thrill of playing against time. Lol

January 23, 2017 1:13 a.m.

RicketyEng says... #11

I'm not quite good enough to help you much with fine tuning but I have a card suggestion anyway. You might want to consider Ancient Excavation as a selective wheel effect.

January 23, 2017 3:59 p.m.