The Minefield: A Modern Artifact Recycler (T3 Win)

Modern DuTogira

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Ensnaring Bridge and other MASSIVE changes —Feb. 19, 2016

-3xThoughtseize --> +3xPath to Exile
First reason: Thoughtseize hurts, and Path to Exile doesn't. This is extremely relevant against aggro decks.
Second reason: This deck wants to run more sources than sources to be able to utilize Auriok Salvagers as a late game plan. Having three sources means we can gain 7.5 health per turn with Sunbeam Spellbomb or bounce three creatures per turn with Aether Spellbomb. Path to Exile is more fond of us going for 3 and 2 than Thoughtseize is.

-2xHangarback Walker --> +2xEnsnaring Bridge
This is something I am trying in order to make the deck all around stronger. The deck is very comfortable playing with no hand given its strong access to the graveyard via Academy Ruins, It also should prove to be stronger against aggro decks.

-1xChalice of the Void mainboard --> -1xLeave No Trace sideboard --> +1xViridian Longbow mainboard
This change is made because I need a new cmc = 1 wincon, and Viridian Longbow provides a great long game plan with Pili-Pala even without attacking. Combine the two and you basically get a : deal x damage.

-1xVault of the Archangel --> +1xPolluted Delta
Because this new variation on the deck tries not to let your opponent attack. Might as well gain more mana fixing.

-1xWatery Grave --> +1xHallowed Fountain
I switched to Path to Exile. Nuff said.

-2xCrumble to Dust --> +2xEnsnaring Bridge
Because I could use more bridges in some match-ups. Besides that, Crumble is tech against tron and eldrazi. I already crush tron though, and Ensnaring Bridge is just as good against the eldrazi as crumble is.

DuTogira says... #1

So I just realized Pili-Pala + Training Grounds + Viridian Longbow is a combo... It doesn't make mana but it is infinite damage. I probably won't incorporate it into this deck since I can't fetch Training Grounds but still, it's a fun interaction

January 27, 2016 1:53 a.m.

Murpy says... #2

Yeah, there are a lot of infinite combos with pili-Palla, but none of them are anywhere near as good as grand architect.

January 27, 2016 12:34 p.m.

I notice that you're missing a few alters.

have some alters Show

twas the best I could do.

January 30, 2016 6:20 p.m.

DuTogira says... #4

Sweet. Thank you DERPLINGSUPREME! I'll add those as soon as I get the chance.

January 30, 2016 8:58 p.m.

DuTogira says... #5

Currently considering Echoing Truth against the sideboard Leave No Trace. Thoughts anyone?

February 1, 2016 3:14 p.m.

I don't know the deck well enough to say. If you're getting the Echoing Truth idea from my deck, then don't do it because it's some pretty specific tech in my deck. In here, I don't think tokens are a real problem, nor can I think of any creatures or planeswalkers that are big problems. Destroying an enchantment or artifact is so much better than bouncing it too. That said, in the Tez version without the Aether Spellbombs, you might need the bounce effect which you lose, but having path to exile kinda makes up for it...

I don't really know, but those are some things to think about.

February 1, 2016 9:23 p.m.

DuTogira says... #7

Neither deck really NEEDS more creature removal, but the way that Leave No Trace gets played, you board all copies available in against any deck that runs white just to make sure that they don't board in Stony Silence. Because white decks often use cards like Lingering Souls, other enchantments, or just use creatures in general, I figure that maybe Echoing Truth's greater versatility means that since I am forced to board it in against white, it won't hurt quite as much.
Against Stony Silence, any card that removes all copies from play for one turn serves the same function, as I will only use the enchantment removal on a turn where I can just win with it gone.
Leave No Trace also only hits enchantments, not artifacts.
Granted, token decks are not problems, no planeswalker is TOO difficult for me to handle, and most creatures can just be ignored in both decks, but having another out to draw into seems not just nice, but superior.

I was getting the idea from your deck though :P

February 2, 2016 12:57 a.m. Edited.

DuTogira says... #8

In The Minewalker I could also always just do a 1/1 split in the SB between the two for those decks that run a large number of enchantments like boggles and UWx/UWxx Gifts.

February 2, 2016 1:04 a.m.

DuTogira says... #9

Considering Ensnaring Bridge in this deck. It could replace the Hangarback Walkers. Viridian Longbow could be snuck in instead of a Chalice of the Void, which could be moved the sideboard to replace the sideboard Engineered Explosives given that Ensnaring Bridge already helps against aggro decks. In the sideboard, the Leave No Trace could be swapped for an Ensnaring Bridge, given that it can hard lock most decks that run Stony Silence, especially when combined with Academy Ruins.
I would also replace Thoughtseize with Path to Exile and replace a Watery Grave with a Hallowed Fountain.
Since hangarback would leave, Vault of the Archangel can be switched to a Hallowed Fountain or Plains.
Given this deck's natural strength vs tron, and the fact that Ensnaring Bridge already hurts eldrazi aggro, I would also probably replace the sideboard Crumble to Dust with another Ensnaring Bridge and maybe, heck, another Chalice of the Void.

February 18, 2016 10:16 p.m.