Slivers from Dominaria to Shandalr

Modern TauralCW


GeminiSpartanX says... #1

Slivers was also one of my very first decks when I started playing Magic back in Timespiral. Have you seen the recent lists that are running 4 Sedge Slivers as additional lords? It requires a change of the manabase to include black shocks in addition to 4 Cavern of Souls and 4 Sliver Hives, but giving your slivers the ability to regenerate is really nice.

One of the changes I would make to this deck would be to shave off 1 hivelord for an additional Diffusion Sliver, since the biggest weakness of slivers is against decks with plentiful removal. I'd also have the 4th one in the SB in place of Virulent Sliver. I'd also try and fit either a Dismember or some other type of removal into the 75 somewhere. I'm still working on getting a playset of AEther Vials myself, as I only have 2 and 4 would be optimal. Instead of having 2 basic forests, I'd run 1 forest and 1 plains since a Blood Moon can shut down this deck in a hurry. That way you'll always have a chance to cast a sideboarded Harmonic Sliver to get rid of one.

+1 for Slivers!

January 14, 2016 1:17 p.m.

TauralCW says... #2

Have been considering adding the Sedge Sliver (though I only have 3) as a third lord (and definitely one card for the cut would be one of the Sliver Legions. But it does mean I actually have to think a bit harder about the mana base.

Would 4 AEther Vials be optimal? There are great benefits to having them out in the early game, but become a nuscience draw in the late game. It's something I'm not sure I know the answer to so I went with the 2 after trying 3.

Definitely agree that cutting a forest in place of a plains makes a lot more sense than 2x Forest.

Thanks for the suggestions!

January 16, 2016 10:45 a.m.

sergiodelrio says... #3


I play a Sliver deck myself and maybe can provide some additional experience.

Would 4x AEther Vials be optimal? - Absolutely yes!

I had the exact same doubt about the card before I actually upped it to 4x. AEther Vial does 2 things for you. One is saving you mana. The other, more important thing is, that you NEED to use it for combat tricks in this deck, to change the numbers on the board. And flashing in a turn 4 or 5 Striking Sliver with a vial set on 1 can be super relevant. Another important way to dodge superfluous vials in the late game is Collected Company - You naturally filter out the stuff you don't need. That's why you also want 4x Collected Companys.

January 17, 2016 8:11 a.m. Edited.

TauralCW says... #4

@sergiodelrio Greetings and thanks for the opinion.

I hadn't considered the natural filtering that Collected Company would provide. I definitely value AEther Vial's ability to throw tricks during combat, but I think I need to reconsider the number I have in the deck.

Until I actually own a 4th I can only up it to 3 at the moment though!

Think it's time for an updated decklist.

January 17, 2016 8:39 a.m.

I'd recommend adding at least a couple of basics, otherwise you are very vulnerable to things like Ghost Quarter and Path to Exile

January 25, 2016 2:49 p.m.

TauralCW says... #6

Thanks K00lDudE1. It's also got to be a consideration I guess for Blood Moon. Just working out what lands I need in that case and what I need in normal play. Would quite like to have a backup of Plains too, but just don't know what to cut.

January 25, 2016 3:12 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #7

The Steam Vents should probably be a Blood Crypt to add to your swamp count. Eventually replacing the Windswept Heaths with Verdant Catacombs will also help getting swamps out for your sedge slivers, as well as fetching both your basics. Keep up the good work!

January 25, 2016 3:23 p.m.

TauralCW says... #8

Thanks again GeminiSpartanX, another very helpful adjustment.

I see your point about the Steam Vents, not really sure my reasoning for leaving it in when I do have a Blood Crypt.

In an ideal world I would have Verdant Catacombs, but that's definitely something that's still just a pipe dream.

January 25, 2016 3:57 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #9

I hear you. I wish I had a playset of Verdant Catacombs myself. I'm still patiently waiting in the hopes that those fetches will be reprinted soon and I'll be able to fully play any Modern deck, since that's what I feel I'm lacking in the most. Well, that and goyfs. :)

January 25, 2016 5:31 p.m.

ironcore says... #10


I'd recommend;

Here's my deck check iy out if you're interested.

Sliver Swarm

Modern ironcore


Have fun and keep slivering!

February 14, 2016 8:08 a.m.

2High2Die says... #11

Happy to see someone who enjoys a Sliver deck instead of complaining or hating it. I don't have the money yet for better lands to make my Sliver deck more lethal, but enjoyed reading your updates and got a couple ideas. +1'd. Happy trails.

February 29, 2016 1:46 p.m.

TauralCW says... #12

@ironcore & 2High2Die Thanks both for your comments.

I think that the Leeching Sliver and the Venom Sliver are two cards that could find a place in here. While vigilance is useful I think there are cards I'd rather have available compared to Sentinel Sliver so that would stay out. I keep wanting to remove the Two-Headed Sliver, but then he ends up winning me a game so he survives, I'm sure his time will come though.

Both your Sliver decks look pretty handy, it's always good to see people who enjoy playing slivers!

March 1, 2016 3:26 a.m.

TreeCat says... #13

April 11, 2016 5:02 p.m.

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