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Izzet Control with R/U Gearhulks!

Standard Control UR (Izzet)



Hi guys! Hoping to return to Magic soon and I'm not a huge fan net-decking but not against anyone that does either xD Remembered the good old days of when I used to play (During Return to Ravnica and Theros block) and thought I would try and revive an Izzet control making it as competetive as possible!

Was watching the Kaladesh spoilers and then eventually pro tour coverage, it just made me fall in love with the game again, and the gearhulks are all so cool and I feel will play a big role in standard!

All help appreciated; cheers!

Sorry a couple of sidenotes - I want to base the deck mainly around kaladesh cards but am willing to splash in previous sets for this and that but not too much and only if it would be an essential improvement - Also need help with a sideboard xD


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Okay so after initial play-testing and suggestions I did decide the deck was going in too many different ways. Too many creatures and spells. Whilst all the creatures enable or benefit from spells in some ways I feel the all fight over the same spot. So the following changes were made (And then land distribution tweaked): - 4x Thing in the Ice  Flip - 2x Chandra, Torch of Defiance - 3x Goblin Dark-Dwellers
- 1x Island - 1x Mountain


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 2 Mythic Rares

23 - 2 Rares

15 - 3 Uncommons

6 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.32
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