

This deck focuses on Fretwork Colony + Gonti's Machinations + Fabrication Module and their interactions with each other.

Winding Constrictor is also in the deck, but it should be treated more like a bonus than a necessity. Adding Green would require adding other cards that don't interact with the core combo to help string together all the different kinds of Mana. For this reason, I don't consider Winding Constrictor as a main part of the deck....even if it works perfectly with the plan.

The deck requires you to build up the Fretwork Colony and then somehow getting that damage through. You can do this using a mix of Eddytrail Hawk, Mighty Leap, and even Deadlock Trap. They are nice in a pinch, but be sure to use them wisely. These cards can be very versatile and potentially be used to a greater effect later on.

To protect your bugs, you have Rush of Vitality, Mighty Leap (again), Deadlock Trap (again), and Murder. Don't worry too much if you aren't able to protect the bugs, Dukhara Scavenger is here to bring back important creatures should they be removed. He's expensive, but he's also pretty big, so always think about what combination of cards will get you maximum value. If you have the mana for it, use some bugs as a decoy for removal. You can bring them back with the Scavenger, and play them the next turn. Also, if you sense impending doom, you can attempt to save your counters with Aetherborn Marauder. This card also introduces the second feature of the deck, Lifelink

Since it can take some time for your bugs to grow, you'll need to be able to survive for a bit. To do this, you have various cards with Lifelink to keep ahead of your opponent. Rush of Vitality, Aetherborn Marauder, and Gonti's Machinations all have Lifelink, and all can be used to great effect alongside your Fretwork Colony.

As for Fabrication Module and Prophetic Prism, they're just around to enable other cards. Fabrication Module works amazingly with the other key cards. Even if it just had the first effect it would be a great addition, but it has that last bit where you can get another +1/+1 counter for 4 mana. That basically makes this card essential. Prophetic Prism is there for ome card draw and to help pay for Winding Constrictor



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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Splash colors G

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

2 - 0 Rares

27 - 3 Uncommons

13 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.56
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