Another Red Deck Wins

Modern sircalist


FNM Modern —June 12, 2015

I played at FNM Modern. I went 2-2 but I got unlucky with lands (again).

Match 1: UWR control 2-0

He had counter spells, Snapcaster Mage, Lightning Bolts, and Timely Reinforcements. In both games I opened with/drew 3 Monastery Swiftspear and quickly won.

Match 2: UWR control 1-2

Another UWR control, but this time he had Lightning Helix and Supreme Verdict. I won the first game, even though he gained 9 life with Lightning Helix, Lightning Helix + Snapcaster Mage and another Lightning Helix. Hellspark Elemental MVP in this game.

I lost the other two games due to mana floods: I sent him to 2 and 1 life, but I drew/fetched 10 lands when I play only 18.

Match 3: Amulet Bloom 0-2

I lost both games. In the first game, he gained 10 life thanks to Radiant Fountain bounced 3 times and copied once with Vesuva. In the second game, he got 2 Primeval Titans out in few turns and killed me in two attacks. A Blood Moon could have saved me.

Match 4: Jund 2-0

Tarmogoyf, Dark Confidant, Abrupt Decay, ... I won quickly. His deck was full of fetchlands and shocklands, which gave me a good advantage. In the first game he played a Tarmogoyf that hit me twice for 8 damage, but I won thanks to a really good hand. In the second I overrun him and even killed his Tarmogoyf with a Searing Blaze.

I didn't make it to TOP4, so I ended this FNM 2-2.

sircalist says... #1

What I learned from this tournament:

Lightning Berserker is bad, I never played it and it wouldn't be useful in many situations. Removed.

I need more fetchlands: I lost a couple of games because I draw too many lands. I probably need at least 8, and 2 Stomping Grounds.

I obviously need 4 Goblin Guide to replace 4 Spark Elemental: it must be in my deck, it can win games in 3 turns with some good spells to support it.

I never really used Destructive Revelry: I have it in sideboard against Leyline of Sanctity, but no one played it.

I'm considering Atarka's Command: deals 3 damage, prevents lifegain and buffs creatures (buffs Monastery Swiftspear twice), it is a sidegrade to Skullcrack.

I'm also considering Molten Rain instead of Blood Moon: Blood Moon gets easily removed in many situations (Nature's Claim, Oblivion Stone, ...), but, against someone with no answers to it, it can give you victory.

May 25, 2015 6:56 p.m.