56 Terrible cards and 4 Manamorphose

Modern* Peanut3965


FNM results —April 25, 2014

FNM Results - Lost 3 - Won 1

God awful night lol. the deck kept fizzling on me =P i really missed the Pyromancer's Swath, and made the discovery that a 2 of Anger of the Gods in the sideboard would work wonders for my FNM. the mana was a bit of a problem for the first time as well. getting either flooded halfway through going off and forcing me to fizzle or not getting the right mana in hand /mulligan down to 5 one game... which is odd as this is the first time its performed like this..


First match - Won 2-0 - Agro Goblins (not the same deck as last time) - These were quick games, even going off on turn 2, which was nice.

Second Match - Loss 2-1 - Affinity - Shatter Storm Practically won me the last 2 games, however on the last game, (i was on 5 health) i tapped a fetch land to look for a red sorce, and then he Galvanic Blast me for 4 damage and lost... was so cut hahaha. The 2nd game i fizzled about 4 times by turn 5... it was pretty horrible seeing like 3/4's of the deck in the graveyard, only land in the hand... easily the worst part of the night lol but was still a fun game

Third game - Loss 2-0 - Birthing pod - First time playing against this deck and my god theres some funky shit happening in there =P. The first game was an infinite life combo by turn 3 i think... and 2nd game .. all that hand destruction was painfull lol.

Fourth Game - Loss 2-0 - Black white Spirit tokens - this game I got both draw and Mana screwed in BOTH games, was just a bad time... funnily enough we played a complimentary 3rd round (cause we were bored) and i obliterated him.. but obviously it didn't count lol.

Overall it was a rather depressing night... the Faithless Looting didn't feel like much of a difference from the Desperate Ravings and again , there were allot of moments where I was like... fuck i wish Pyromancer's Swath was in here.

It was nice to play some proper modern decks, as i feel the original FNM was mainly just standard decks, and was a good learning experience for me.

HorrorAvengers says... #1

I played the deck 3 times, got the combo off once, and that was a subpar combo only saved by having electromancer and 3 grapeshot in hand. The other times I pulled off sweet combos, but never drew grapeshot. I ended up generating a shit-ton of mana, and played 15, 20 spells easily, but didn't draw the grapeshot. More cantrips I feel would help the deck, along with maybe faithless looting? Idk, i ran out of hand most of the time really quick before the combo weht off. I do love Past in Flames though. this card is sweet.

April 11, 2014 12:27 a.m.

Peanut3965 says... #2

Thanks for the feed back!

April 11, 2014 12:30 a.m.

Scorprix says... #3

Love this deck! (+1.) As requested, I tested this deck out. : )

Played against: Th@ F@ C@! (Screw Your Friends! Yay!)

Results: This deck won 2-1.

Good luck at your next FNM!

April 12, 2014 7:11 p.m.

HorrorAvengers says... #4

I feel like just posting this, I think it's something noteworth to say that I just did 150 damage on turn 4, with several cards still left in hand, and more mana in my mana pool, it just felt like a good place to stop

April 12, 2014 7:30 p.m.

Scorprix says... #5

Well, I forgot to sideboard, and there are 3 Leyline of Sanctity in it, so now that I think about it, maybe you wouldn't have won so many games...

(But you have Blood Moon s and Echoing Truth s, so maybe you still would have won.)

April 12, 2014 7:50 p.m.

Peanut3965 says... #6

Thanks guys! =P

April 12, 2014 10:40 p.m.

paperhead says... #7

Solid. +1
I have a storm deck without blue in it, so I may be wrong about this, but I think I would swap out Serum Visions for Brainstorm . Otherwise, this looks amazing.

April 13, 2014 6:48 a.m.

Peanut3965 says... #8

I got so excited when you linked that, but its not modern legal :( thanks tho =P

April 13, 2014 7:28 a.m.

ElPared says... #9

Very cool deck, I'm always a fan of storm, but I have one important comment/question:

You know Pyromancer Ascension copies don't add to your storm count or double up your storms, right? I mean, the deck still works without the ascensions, but storm only triggers when cast from your hand and ascension copies aren't cast, just put on the stack, so they don't add to storm count which counts cast spells only.

maybe I'm missing something. I think Strionic Resonator can double your storm by copying the first spell's storm trigger though. That might be fun

April 14, 2014 3:24 a.m.

Peanut3965 says... #11

Yea I've been meaning to change that, at FNM there was a rather large discussion about my storm deck (that i wasn't a part of funnily enough lol) about the ascension trigger and your right it doesn't copy the Storm trigger, the ascension is there purely to get more out of our draw and ritual spells than it is to get more out of the Grapeshot .

and yea Strionic Resonator seems like it would work like that =P

April 14, 2014 3:41 a.m.

ElPared says... #12

I figured that's what it was for, but I had to ask. I hate to be "that guy" but things like that need to be pointed out ;)

April 14, 2014 9:55 p.m.

Peanut3965 says... #13

All cool mang

April 14, 2014 10:44 p.m.

Overfluff says... #14

Once it comes out maybe you could play Temple of Epiphany ? It's still a dual land but also smooths out your draws and helps with mulligans

April 16, 2014 6:40 p.m.

Khaotica says... #15

Overfluff modern decks don't like Temples as much because of them being forced to enter tapped; this can lead to you being essentially manascrewed for a turn when you really need the mana/prevents many turn one plays.

April 20, 2014 3:29 p.m.

Peanut3965 says... #16

Hey guys, i was wondering....

Say I have a Goblin Electromancer out on the field and i play a 2 cost instant spell like Pyretic Ritual . the goblin reduces its cost, does this mean Spell Snare can still counter/target it, or is the Goblin Electromancer effect ignored in this situation?

Thanks for the confirmation in advance!

April 21, 2014 8:15 a.m.

Khaotica says... #17

Goblin Electromancer and all similar effects only reduce the cost to play the card; they don't reduce CMC, because the spell (Pyretic in this case) still has a mana cost of 2, you're just 'cheating' around that, so Spell Snare and similar effects still work against it.

April 21, 2014 9:10 a.m.

Peanut3965 says... #18

thanks! :)

April 21, 2014 9:12 a.m.

brokendwarf says... #19

This deck. I like this deck.

I decided to playtest it. On turn 3 I had Goblin Electromancer out, Pyromancer Ascension active, Past in Flames active, and a 22 storm count with 18 floating red mana and still a mass amount of spells to cast (one of them Grapeshot ).


April 22, 2014 10:49 a.m.

Peanut3965 says... #20

thanks for the play testing! unfortunately I don't get to play it a whole lot so being able to hear how it goes for others is really nice!

April 22, 2014 11:11 a.m.

Peanut3965 says... #21

Thanks for the play testing, I dont get to play this deck much, so being able to hear how others go with it is really nice!

Considering the Splinter Twin & Deceiver Exarch combo, in place of Empty the Warrens , Defense Grid and Echoing Truth and moving 1 of the empty the warrens to the mainboard.

Thoughts? do you guys thing that this makes the sideboard options too weak 2nd/3rd game? or is it an improvement?

April 22, 2014 11:14 a.m.

I think I like Faithless Looting over Desperate Ravings , as it synergizes better with Ascension and allows you to choose your discards rather than discard what could be a vital dig spell or similar.

You can also afford to cut the Pyromancer's Swath as it isn't really necessary when you go off and only really slows you down. The fourth Goblin Electromancer isn't necessary either as drawing multiples is never useful. I would replace those two cards with lands, as you always want to draw 2-3+ lands and 16 lands is not enough to guarantee that.

Finally, I would mainboard some number of Lightning Bolt , as you want to be able to slow down Zoo or Affinity decks in the maindeck. The Peer Through Depths might be able to go, as they are by far your weakest dig spells.

April 23, 2014 11:45 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #23

I noticed from your description you were looking at Faithless Looting vs Desperate Ravings and from your list it looks like you chose Desperate Ravings . What made the final difference?

Also, I guess based on that choice and the fact you don't need to interact with others much Izzet Charm wouldn't be useful?

April 23, 2014 11:52 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #24

hah. ninja'd

April 23, 2014 11:53 a.m.

Peanut3965 says... #25

Yea ill be running faithless looting tomorrow at fnm and to see how it performs and make a final cut based on that (ill alternate every now and again to get a better feel). the thought behind the desperate ravings to begin with was that it's just a way to net more cards. as opposed to exchanging the cards in my hand. so far the random discard hasn't hurt me at all. but with all things "random" it does not mean that it never will =P

The land have yet to be a problem and am pretty comfortable with the 16 considering how much of the deck i see within the first few turns. i agree with the Pyromancer's Swath tho, it was just a 60th card sort of thing.

the Peer Through Depths have done amazingly and have gotten me out of plenty of tights spots when trying to go off the only problem i have with them is that i cant pick up the goblins or the enchantments. if only there was a nice tutor i could use =P

im thinking if i cut a goblin and the swath i could prob mainboard 2 bolts. and if i cut the 2 peer's i could fit the 4..

April 23, 2014 12:08 p.m.