
Instant (4)

Enchantment (4)


Creature (4)

This is a deck that I am putting together that combines my love of burn spells and my hatred of losing life! Essentially, the creatures in the deck all have lifelink in some form or another, and the basic playstyle is to use either Fall of the Hammer or Tail Slash to have my creatures deal one sided damage to my opponent's creatures, thus gaining life in the process. Burn spells like Fiery Impulse , Arcbond, and Ravaging Blaze will all act like Lightning Helix when Soulfire Grand Master is on the field. Hidden Dragonslayer can be cast face down and flipped for bigger creature removal. Also, Pyromancer's Goggles at the top of my curve will allow me to double all of my burn spells, triggering massive destruction and massive lifegain all at the same time!


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I have updated the cards in the deck list to reflect the changes that I have currently made. I took the previous iteration to my LGS standard tournament, and the only win I got was from a second round bye... The lifegain aspect of the deck worked great early game, however, mid game the creatures lost the ability to punch through defences and I found myself 2 for 1'ing my opponents creatures to either keep my creatures alive or to prevent me from taking massive damage. By turn 6 or so I literally was running out of gas, even with the Pyromancer's Goggles copying all the instant spells. So here were the changes I made...
-4 Dawnbringer Charioteers for +4 Ajani's Pridemate. With all the lifegain, the Pridemate will grow into a larger creature and either swing in for more damage or cause removal to be used on it.
-4 Fall of the Hammer and -2 Tail Slash I was using these as my removal spells as they worked with lifelink and also triggered heroic on the now gone Charioteers.
+2 Chandra, Pyromaster. She will provide me with either a means to attack without being blocked, pseudo card draw, or removal fodder, giving me extra time to find a win.
+4 Tormenting Voice hopefully this will give me some much needed card draw to keep my hand full of fuel. I prefer to use this spell copied with the Goggle to net me 4 cards per cast.
+2 Sunscorch Regent I added this to help against flying creatures. Also, when my opponent casts a spell the Regent gets bigger and the lifegain it provides also triggers the Pridemate.
+1 Volcanic Vision Added as a 1 of due to its high mana cost, it's here because if I can cast it with the Goggles I can recur 2 instant/sorceries from my graveyard and deal damage based on its CMC. If I grab back a Stoke then it is 8 damage, Anger is worth 6.
Wind-Scarred Crag was added as a 4 of. Normally, I don't think that I would want any more comes into play tapped lands, however, they do provide an instance of lifegain that can also trigger a +1/+1 counter on Pridemate.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 2 Mythic Rares

13 - 0 Rares

16 - 4 Uncommons

11 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.84
Tokens Emblem Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
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