I was wanting to get back into Standard after not playing since original Innistrad, I looked at cards that were being played in the meta. Winding Constrictor immediately caught my attention, it was the exact kind of card I wanted to play with. So I saw how the decks were being built & played just before Ixalan rotation so I could play a new standard version.
This list is not entirely original. I happened to invest in a playset of Ripjaw Raptor, then saw a list on Mtggoldfish. https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/instant-deck-tech-dinos-and-snakes-standard
After playing with that list, I decided I wanted a few things different. I didn't feel I saw Rishkar, Peema Renegade as often as I liked and I didn't care for how the Deathgorge Scavenger played in the deck. Although the ability could help against Mardu Vehicles, my LGS meta doesn't have many of those in rotation currently. And now that I had more consistent mana, I replaced the other Deathgorge Scavenger with a Torment of Hailfire as a mainboard sweeper effect. From what I have played with the deck thus far, I am not disappointed when I see.
For the sideboard I wanted to make sure I had appropriate removal/disruption for the threats the rotation could bring into play, a majority of them creatures. I had originally done all 4 Duress but after playing it that way, I decided it wasn't fully necessary so I cut them down to 2. Harsh Scrutiny was my first go-to for a replacement because 1: it got rid of creatures, 2: can do it on turn one, 3: it let's me scry.I replaced the Lifecrafter's Bestiary with Lost Legacy, a card I feel is under appreciated & not often expected. It can also hit Carnage Tyrant, as can Harsh Scrutiny, which would be very hard to get rid of it it hits the field.