
Hi there! My name is J and I've been playing for about a year and a half now and have always loved RDW in modern and otherwise. It's my favorite color and I always love burning things. Totally not a psycho. Anyyyyways, I hope this is a good description for this deck and I've tried to think of everything possible for this current modern meta. Worst match-up is anything that runs hexproof, fair warning. So here it is, without further delay, what to do in this meta!

Sideboard for current Meta decks:

If playing against Kor Firewalker instead of Leyline of Sanctity or vice versa, board in the other 1x of Destructive Revelry or 1x Path to Exile.

If playing against Chalice of the Void, look for lack of one drops as cue. If playing against a deck that doesn't use white, look out for Leyline of Sanctity, bring in Destructive Revelry if you think they're playing it.

Abzan Mid - Out 4x Lightning Helix, out 3x Grim Lavamancer, out 2x Searing Blaze. In 3x Rain of Gore, In 3x Path to Exile, In 3x Destructive Revelry.

Splinter/Tarmo Twin - Out 3x Grim Lavamancer, out 2x Atarka's Command, out 1-3x Searing Blaze. In 4x Path to Exile, in 2-4x Destructive Revelry.

Bloom Titan - Out 2x Atarka's Command, out 1x Rift Bolt , out 3x Grim Lavamancer. In 2x Path to Exile, in 4x Destructive Revelry.

RDW - Out 3x Grim Lavamancer. In 3x Leyline of Sanctity.

Robots/Affinity - Out 3x Grim Lavamancer, out 4x Rift Bolt . In 4x Destructive Revelry, in 3x Path to Exile.

Infect - Out 2x Atarka's Command, out 3x Rift Bolt . In 3x Path to Exile, in 2x Deflecting Palm.

Tron - Out 4x Rift Bolt . In 4x Destructive Revelry.

Scapeshift - Out 3x Searing Blaze. In 3x Leyline of Sanctity.

Merfolk - Out 2x Grim Lavamancer. In 2x Destructive Revelry.

Boggles - Out 3x Grim Lavamancer, out 4x Rift Bolt , Out 4x Lightning Helix. In 4x Destructive Revelry, 2x Path to Exile (maybe, depending on use of Kor Firewalker), in 3x Rain of Gore, in 2x Deflecting Palm.

Rouge Decks:

Aggro match-up, fast package: Out 3x Grim Lavamancer, out 4x Rift Bolt (Usually).

Midrange match-up, removal package: Out 3x Grim Lavamancer, out 1x Rift Bolt or 1x Searing Blaze depending on what toughness or amount of creatures there is.

Control match-up, go fast or protect yourself against discard with Leyline of Sanctity.

Combo match-up, one word: "Think." Sideboard hate if need be.

Feedback is always appreciated and I'd be happy to discuss or answer questions like, why Rain of Gore, or, why not pick Boros Charm over Lightning Helix for those extra modes and one extra damage?

Hope you enjoyed!~ J



Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

27 - 8 Rares

20 - 7 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.52
Ignored suggestions
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