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Red/Black Zombies are sooo much better!




Thats right i said it red/ Zombies are way better than mono black and blue/ black.

The change up's

Highborn Ghoul over Phantasmal Image Dont get me wrong images copy everything and dye from everything as well. While that might be the case for Highborn Ghoul as well having a 2/1 P/T he has the very illusive intimidate. Which in my opinion besides the mirror match it is a instant force with all the human and token deck in the metas.

The other addition which a lot of u/b zombies were starting to adopt were Phyrexian Metamorph's.

Phyrexian Metamorph over Diregraf Captain . Dont get me wrong i really like the captain but i found him very underwhelming and wasnt a massive game changer when he entered the battle field. I like the metamorphs over the images as well simply because they can copie a sword that could potentially give you the game in one turn.

The obvious addtions of Brimstone Volley and Incinerate . Now dont get me wrong Geth's Verdict deals with everything but adding the burn can give you a way quicker win. Sacking your germ token from Mortarpod dealing 1 damage to player followed by another 5 to face from Brimstone Volley will make any opponent slip back into there chair with the look of defeat.

Reasons for sideboard

2x Surgical Extraction pretty simple choice with all the grave yard manipulation decks out there.

1x Red Sun's Zenith finally a way to deal with Geralf's Messenger also any other pesky undying creature.

1x Whipflare Why you ask well flying is still a issue even though you have the burn and slips to help you might not always have those and besides having a Gravecrawler and a Geralf's Messenger out when you play this isnt really going to hurt you at all.

2x Go for the Throat do i need to explain this?

2x Shatter because it does the same damn thing as Ancient Grudge and i want to be the guy who isnt using Ancient Grudge

2x Ratchet Bomb umm tokens and pesky swords if you cant get into Shatter

2x Phyrexian Crusader wrecks tokens and humans need i say more.

1x Wrack with Madness simply a titan and phyrexian oblkiterator killer. Trust me you will never forget the look on a opponets face when you target there obliterator and it dies and they have to sack 5 permanents as well.

1x Sever the Bloodline those pesky zombies and spirits now have to answer to bloodline

1x Phyrexian Obliterator what is there tosay he owns the board.

This is my variant of it I am sure that there are others out there but this one is mine.

I also went 4-0 with this build last FNM with a perfect 8-0.

If you have any suggestions feel free to share them and as always if you like it +1!


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 9 Rares

11 - 2 Uncommons

12 - 3 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.21
Tokens Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
Folders Finished
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