That Fishy Flashy Situation

Commander / EDH Housegheist


Swaps —Dec. 18, 2020

I cutted Devastation Tide and Engulf the Shore for Polymorphist's Jest and Curse of the Swine. Polymorphist's Jest can be used as a combat trick or mass removal as well.

Although Curse of the Swine doesn't fit the theme i already noticed a lack in Single-Target-Removal... so i sacrificed a little bit flavour to a little more power.

I personally prefer Flood of Tears over Devastation Tide as well as Thaumatic Compass  Flip over Maze of Ith, but those are just preferences and you don't need to add them. Also Jwari Disruption  Flip and Khalni Ambush  Flip could be replaced with more efficient removal like Pongify and Rapid Hybridization.

December 9, 2020 2:18 p.m.

Housegheist says... #2


Thank you for your suggestions. On the original list there are mostly cards which i already own.

Nevertheless i agree to Pongify > Jwari Disruption  Flip and Thaumatic Compass  Flip > Maze of Ith. What i like about the compass is that you can tutor for lands and gain the same effect as Ith AND tap for mana if your need to. The latter is definitely a worthy swap.

Don‘t you think Flood of Tears would be a more efficient swap for crush of tentacles?

With mostly high power creatures i thought Khalni Ambush  Flip would be a versatile removal or a land drop if you need one.

December 9, 2020 4:05 p.m.

Housegheist I do think Flood of Tears is probably better than Crush of Tentacles, but I didn't suggest cutting Crush of Tentacles because it fits with the theme, but if you are okay sacrificing a bit of flavour and synergy, then flood of tears is probably better than crush of tentacles. Also I do agree that it is nice to have some versatility in Khalni Ambush  Flip, especially with the landfall subtheme, so it isn't really a necessary cut.

December 9, 2020 4:26 p.m.

Housegheist says... #4

@gingerthewritingdogClaire I do not think that Flood of Tears would be a cut in theme. The name and th artwork fits :) I added it to my wantlist :)

What do you think to swap Gush for Guardian Project?

December 9, 2020 6:25 p.m.

I think Gush is a powerful card, but guardian project will probably provide a lot more card draw over the course of the game, while gush is a one-time thing which does have a bit of synergy with landfall, but still doesn't do much in this deck I feel like. If you want to be playing big monsters every turn, gush is usually a tempo loss, and is worse at bouncing lands to your hand than meloku or other repeatable effects. In short, I think gush doesn't provide as much card draw as guardian project, but if you really like the landfall synergy it provides, then keep it. I think it just depends on how much land bounce you want in this deck.

December 9, 2020 8:55 p.m.

Housegheist says... #6

gingerthewritingdog. I think about cutting Risen Reef for Parcelbeast.

Both creatures aren't Sea-Cretures even though Risen Reef has a fitting name and artwork. But i noticed a lack of synergy because it only goes of with Zendikar's Roil as i counted only 3 other elementals. Parcelbeast could provide more value (Carddraw/Landfalltrigger). In the best case i can mutate it turn 2 onto Lotus Cobra or another smaller creature later. What do you think?

December 10, 2020 2:04 p.m.

Parcelbeast is definitely faster and repeatable, which makes it arguably more powerful, but I have found that the Risen Reef + Zendikar's roil is pretty explosive and can get crazy with Ancient Greenwarden, so I really don't know on this one. It probably will just come down to which one you like more.

December 10, 2020 2:17 p.m.

Housegheist says... #8


I'll give it a try as it is... Maybe i find a way to swap Parcelbeast in without cutting Risen Reef - would synergize just perfectly... Maybe i need to make a simic Elementals/Landfall theme...

December 10, 2020 2:26 p.m.

MrXilas says... #9

Have you considered Ancient Animus or Pounce over Khalini Ambush? Or is Khalini Ambush there because it can be a land in a pinch? Also, if you can find a place for it, Eldritch Evolution would be pretty great card in this deck. It would go quite well with Chasm Skulker and Reef Worm.

December 11, 2020 12:21 a.m.

Housegheist says... #10

I like cards with some kind of versatility... doesn‘s matter if it‘s adventure, „choose“-spells or the new MDFCs - therefore and to support the landfall theme i chose Khalni Ambush  Flip as i have some effects to bumb the land back to hand and cast it as removal if needed. I‘m aware of the fact that they are all 1 mana cheaper, therefore (and the little bonus effect in case of legendarys with no additional cost) i will list Ancient Animus to the maybeboard. Eldritch Evolution is a 1 mana morr one-time pod effect... with the upside of jumping 2cmc higher from your sacrificed target. Definitely worth to consider -> Maybeboard

December 11, 2020 2:33 a.m.