Razin' minds, takin' names (competitive nekusar)
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 105 | 101 COMMENTS | 22163 VIEWS | IN 34 FOLDERS
goblinguiderevealpls says... #2
that might be a good idea to use with Necropotence good point thanks
March 5, 2015 1:29 p.m.
EndlessBlackout says... #7
+1 from me, I love Grixis wheels. I highly recommend Waste Not. If youre having trouble with creatures hitting you in the face then put a wall of zombies between you and them. Vampiric Tutor, Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, Lim-Dul's Vault are great for setting up a miracle cost on Reforge the Soul or even getting that control piece when you need it. More wheels! Dark Deal and Whispering Madness are missing. Dark Deal is worth testing over the other. Anyway, checkout my baby Nicol Bolas' Machinations if you want. It is combo with control elements that was originally made to mess up Hermit Druid people so it can handle most group games while getting hated on.
December 3, 2015 11:34 p.m.
Nightdragon779 says... #9
+1 For using nekusar. I play him as well. Here's my brew: Kmowledge Hurts
I love Whispering Madness because when encoded on True-Name Nemesis, the player you target isneveryones target, people don't want more wheels.
Also, Sire Of Insanity seems weird, but with Waste Not and/or Bloodchief Ascension...
December 12, 2015 9:55 p.m.
May I suggest bloodchief ascension, curiosity and Helm of the Ghastlord? Creeping tarpit works great with Whispering madness owing to cipher only caring whether it is a creature when the cipher trigger resolves
November 5, 2016 12:02 a.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #12
Bloodchief ascension is insane but often too slow and is removed before it gets counters, although it's worth a sideboard still situationallyrics, curiosity and Helm both work exclusively on nekusar in this deck, and are a dead card later in the game when he has died too many times, plus,removing nekusar is fairly easy in edh and if you try and combo out with nekusar and either enchantment it usually doesn't resolve, although I'm aware of the cards combo potential, they're too exclusive to be worth it
Tar pit Is a great Idea, unblockable cipher creature with evasion makes it a much better cipher target since it stays on the land and can survive my creature wipe spells, the only truly good cipher target with my utility creatures is considered sphinx because flying, I usually don't need or get to use the cipher, but having a ciphered wheel on a land does seem like a great backup plan, thanks
April 2, 2017 3:51 p.m.
Also may I ask your opinion on my Nekusar list,
Politics Schmolitics
Commander / EDH*
April 2, 2017 4:30 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #14
Looks very combo based, I used to run stuff like mindcrank and leyline of the void/helm of obedience, But they ended up being cut as they don't really have any functions outside of a 2 or 3 card combo and thus are very inconsistent in 100 card singleton, my list is designed to be as consistent and fast as possible, using global wipes to fish for the opportunity to safely chain wheel effects or combo out with dream halls or mind over matter, although admittedly this is far from a budget list and I've been playing nekusar since he first was printed
April 4, 2017 8:55 p.m.
Illusificate says... #15
Evolving Wilds and all the other fetch lands let you pretty much take a card out of your deck for free, making it more likely to get the cards you want.
September 1, 2017 5:49 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #16
I have Misty Rainforest, Wooded Foothills and Arid Mesa lying around, what do you think I should cut? I already run the 3 on-color fetches, but you're right I cetainly could run more for deck thinning, especially since I have access to the "good" fetches. ive seen lots of people at my LGS run one of every pain fetch for each color, so i will look into incorporating the other.. 6 i think? For paim fetches.
Maybe some basic lands? I do run a very low land cound due to the massive draw power and artifact ramp, i recently took out Mana Vault but thats also a possibility in the list as well as Necropotence, but ive found the discard exile to more often than not cripple my recursion ability, thanks for reminding me im missing a shitload of fetches!
September 1, 2017 10:45 p.m.
Illusificate says... #17
You could probably take out Izzet Signit. Cabal Coffers isn't very usefull when you have very few swamps, so you can cut that too.
September 2, 2017 3:42 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #19
Thanks for the suggestion! Ill make sure to hold on to my fetches in case crucible gets banned or taken out!
September 5, 2017 4:29 p.m.
I personally am a fan of Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre as opposed to kozilek for the shuffle effect, as ulamog brings more to the table. In emergencies, ulamog can actually be cast to get rid of an enchantment, whearas kozilek draws 4 cards, which in a Nekusar deck there are far more efficient ways of doing so.
Justy my two cents
September 9, 2017 3:12 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #21
Thats true i do have both and used to run ulamog, just felt kozilek has better synergy
Either way i have yet to hard cast either titan, but i can definitely run both or swap them out
Thanks, Thats true that outside ulamog i dont have any enchantment, land or walker answers, ill throw her back in the maybeboard
September 9, 2017 3:52 p.m.
Just out of curiosity, what has given you the most trouble in terms of opponents building/playing against you? I've played a lot against my friends' Nekusar decks (in multiplayer games rather than 1v1, but they're executing the same plan as you are) and now I keep on hand cards that replace card draw or just play a removal-on-a-stick deck and kill Nekusar. Flameblade Angel is also a cheeky answer I've found, at least in casual formats.
Have you considered Psychosis Crawler? It could add another source of damage when you do a wheel.
October 9, 2017 2:35 p.m.
Hey I was just wondering if for this you had considered The Locust God. I have a Nekusar deck myself, and although I will admit mine is meant for a much more casual environment clearly compared to yours, I find in combination with wheel effects it really useful for making blockers.
By the way this is a pretty good list you got here and so +1 from me.
tjcole1 says... #1
Is the Brainstorm necessary? Aren't you drawing enough cards? Cool deck though man maybe add Library of Leng to save you from all your discard effects.
February 28, 2015 12:17 p.m.