京 An illusion? What are you hiding? (cEDH-$T4KS) 京

Commander / EDH Kiyomei

SCORE: 286 | 178 COMMENTS | 50540 VIEWS | IN 114 FOLDERS

Some Fine Tuning Soon(tm) —Sept. 14, 2021

After a few insane amount of hours spent online playing this deck and in private groups I merely had time to update the deck to it's current iteration... I have some catching up to do

<<< (+++ 36-9 W/L over the span of 3 weekend xD , not as good as my Hearthstone streak of 70-4 W/L ratio :'( ) >>>

helll says... #1

what do you think of the new land for enchantment recursion

May 31, 2019 2:36 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #2

Hall of Heliod's Generosity ? Well, it's very similar to Academy Ruins which we don't run in the first place. Might see a home in the Dankchantress builds A.K.A. enchantment heavy builds.

Why don't we run these kinds of things you'd ask?

Well, to be blunt, it is slow... but to go further into it the land base is built in a way we can consistently spam Derevi out turn 2 99% of the time. Adding a colorless land would bring those chances down significantly... on top of that those lands work better in builds that actively try to win trough artifacts or enchantments they lost and want back. Whereas in our case we can replace them by other hate pieces quite easily.

Again it sure could find it's home in enchantment heavy builds and what not. just nothing worth recurring apart from stasis locks perhaps. and we are not a combo deck looking to find both of these.

June 2, 2019 1:51 p.m.

ThrelNari says... #3

Haha I love the reference.

"Something's not quite right..."

June 2, 2019 2:42 p.m.

Fellin22 says... #4

In you words, delete this garbage deck.

July 4, 2019 2:04 p.m.

Darth_Reven says... #5

Great deck my dude! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your thoughts on m20

July 4, 2019 3:01 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #6

@ Fellin22, Its only game why you heff to be mad? <3

In my words though, and on paper 99% of the time, this is what you're looking to play at the very highest-power environment/meta ;). makes other decks look like trash indeed and is really well equipped vs bs ;).

@ Darth_Reven, Thanks !!! Sadly M20 doesn't have anything for us as far as I can recall, unless I missed something :'(.

July 4, 2019 9:41 p.m.

Limejuice says... #7

What do you think of luminarch ascension in here?

August 14, 2019 12:02 a.m.

Kiyomei says... #8

@ Limejuice , I have played around with Luminarch Ascension before in blood pod and tested it for a while in Derevi...

The difference with blood pod is that we aren't as centered around heavy tutors for Stax pieces and generally go for the beat-down plan far more often due to the fact we are very very creature heavy in 100% meta... Which makes the card a bit redundant and win more in many cases...

Although if you're playing around with i'd say 75% Decks/Meta or less you can definitely steal games with this as you won't need to be as fast as like for example vs a hulk heavy meta or just the most competitive decks.

August 14, 2019 1:27 a.m.

Dankey says... #10

How tf is Cyclonic Rift a "win more" card?

This has gotta be bate.

September 7, 2019 8:58 p.m. Edited.

Dark_Danda says... #11

I do not see any issue to keep it in. All I am saying is that it's rather a late game card and usually stack decks close out the game through complete lock down as time passes, in which case a cyclonic rift is no longer game changing but rather a win-more card.

Let's say you have one or multiple of the following cards out as the game progresses: Winter Orb , Stasis , Nature's Will , Static Orb , Willbreaker , Hokori, Dust Drinker , Trinisphere ect you name it... a cyclonic rift is not needed anymore since your opponents have access to perhaps one, two mana at most and will not be able to go off or pose much of a threat unless your board gets answered.

However, since above deck is very light on removal, it is perhaps wise to keep it in to answer early threats. However, this only grants a temporary delay if the spell is not expensive.

September 7, 2019 9:28 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #12

@Dark_Danda Hello 50-75% player.... Seems you are either very new to Cedh or Stax in general and don't understand this deck at all... All your suggestions were aimed at 50 - 75% decks and would work in very slow meta but are not recommended for 100% pods... anyway there is also a sideboard part that has all the cards you suggested in the description so it's pointless to post it for slower meta...

But suggesting Prime Speaker Vannifar being better than pod? this is either bait, troll, or hate hence the removal of the post.. or even Adarkar Wastes for a land that is far better like Tarnished Citadel xD... I spam play this deck in meta that abuses these primary decks to their fullest ( https://cedh-decklist-database.xyz/primary.html )

I'd stick to this build if you face a lot of 100% decks... you could add meta cards or more removal like swords and path or "spell pierce like 1 mana counters" and the fact you don't play this deck to know the intricate details and many of the cards busted uses is enough to not take the post serious as well...

Yours sincerely Kiyomei.

September 10, 2019 12:25 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #13

Past versions like glixx and NarejED's are good sources you can build on as well!

You could also look at this copy which has some more 1for1 removal and spells if you would like that!

b i r d w i z a r d [2.0] (cEDH Derevi Primer)

September 10, 2019 12:43 p.m.

Dark_Danda says... #14

I did not intend to troll you. It's just that your deck does seem to go all out on stax with quite less removal. I do not see how you are going to win against creature based decks such as Yisan. I think Ulvenwald Tracker would be quite a good card in your deck in that regard.

Cheers, Danda

September 10, 2019 5:23 p.m.

Dark_Danda says... #15

Also why do you not play Gaea's Cradle ? I mean, it's meant for creature decks like this. 48% of the mana costs of your deck are in green, it breaks parity under stax (which off course you already do with your commander) and you can abuse it with the untap triggers.

September 10, 2019 5:27 p.m.

Dankey says... #16

Some plyers are divided on Gaea's Cradle . Remember that it does nothing on turn 1 with no creatures in play, and we intend to play our commander on turn 2.

I personally won't use it; Cradle costs too much money to risk damaging it through non tournamemt play.

September 10, 2019 5:39 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #17

i don't know what version it is showing you but Gaea's Cradle has been in the deck for over 3 years now xD

September 10, 2019 11 p.m.

IsThisWolfe says... #18

First off I really love this list, I have built some Stax decks in the past but have never really played them much as my playgroup’s decks are around 75%. I do have a question though; other then the triple U cost is there any particular reason(s) you don’t run Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir or Teferi, Time Raveler ? I usually throw him in any deck with blue I have.

September 11, 2019 3:52 p.m.

Limejuice says... #19

Have you nature's will?

I run a slightly different version with a larger mana base and lighter on tax effects, and nature's will is amazing on offense and defense. My version has issues with opposing mana dorks so I also run jitte and ulvenwald tracker, the latter which is amazing with deveri and easily tutorable. Combined with null rod effects and land orbs the deck shuts off opponents mana quite well.

What are you thoughts on these cards?

September 11, 2019 10:04 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #20

@IsThisWolfe Hi there, Thanks for the comment!

Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir : Is indeed too mana intensive + and at that cost you want to play key cards that either just lock out or shut down entire strategies or play multiple cards that add up to 5cmc and have more efficient hate as this could potentially lose you games as well because no one can respond anymore...

Teferi, Time Raveler : Baby Teferi is possible but with how most strategies work people can get around this very easily while one spell per turn for example would shut down decks far more efficiently and can't be attacked into as easily as walkers.

For example, the new one that has been spoiled at 1 Mana (if you run a lot more counter magic it could justify the baby Jace but still no one can respond ti anything anymore)

Deafening Silence



Each player can't cast more than one non-creature spell each turn.

"They have forsaken their vows. The edict of the Circle demands their voices be silenced." -Syr Tasdale, knight of Ardenvale

@ Limejuice Hey there man! thanks for the comment as well!

Nature's Will is a card I've toyed with before and played in najeela as well... it's a great card that synergies really well with orbs and can generate multiple triggers if multiple opponents are open for attacks. But without the other lock cards it ends up being a dead card draw at any stage of the game hence why i don't consider it. I'm not looking to combo of with orb-will for example , I'd rather play one card and have people struggle and delayed a turn and next turn play 2 more hate cards or so and just shut down entire strategies without these cards having to be dependant on one another...

Ulvenwald Tracker is great at dork heavy meta and a good meta call if you face a lot of those. but a bit less reliable in blind meta and tournaments. Linvala, Keeper of Silence , Dream Tides and Cursed Totem work as well but 2/3 here would also slow us down too much to be effective! Jitte could be good but also requires it sticking haven't tried it but if it works you and nets you games easier of dork reliant decks then consider it a good flex slot!

September 12, 2019 2:21 p.m.

WilliamMack says... #21

Hello! I would like to start off by saying how in love I am with this list! I was wondering if there were any alternative decklists that would support a player looking for a smaller budget, a starting deck to upgrade upon, etc, with the end goal being this here beauty! I appreciate any help. Thank you for the awesome deck!

November 27, 2019 12:03 a.m.

Kiyomei says... #22


Thanks a lot! If you're looking for other versions or budget ideas always feel free to join the Derevi discord, or browse tapped out and filter for the many awesome bird versions out there.

November 27, 2019 5:04 p.m.

Fundement says... #24

Hello I was just wondering on your opinion of running Oko in this deck as I have been running him for a while and have also found him to be very good

January 5, 2020 7:41 a.m.

Kiyomei says... #25

hi @Fundement,

Oko, Thief of Crowns is a card that sees a lot of play in other formats right now since it is hard to deal with, has removal on it and is very one-sided in the 1v1 matchups.

In a Multiplayer game at certain levels he under performs greatly.

His +2 : the Food token is irrelevant since life doesn't work the same as it does in modern for example, and all it does is make him beefy, but since 3 others can still hit it freely, 90% of the time it's not as good as in 1v1 and it's a big waste of mana...

+1 : This is somewhat the only reason it could be played in slower meta and 50%-ish stuff... and probably shines in the casual scene. Pretty much still giving them blockers and extra Oko killers since again there are 3 other players at your table with brains i hope. I'm pretty sure if you would drop this one in a pod that is on level with this deck it will get ignored and threats you really want to deal with as opposed to having Beast Within , Path to Exile / Counter / Removal / stax / etc... will be way out of reach as a Planeswalker can't touch instant speed.

Not gonna talk about the ult since it's pretty much useless...

January 5, 2020 9:24 a.m. Edited.