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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Wild Swing
Choose three target nonenchantment permanents. Destroy one of them at random.

abbatromebone on Mono-Red answer for Stony silence?
4 years ago
Wild Swingis the only mono red card. Your gonna have to splash green in for Destructive Revelry
poorpinkus on
Evening the Odds - An actual decent coin flip deck
6 years ago
douglas.obri Those are definitely good inclusions! I'll change the deck around once I eventually get a copy of them.
Aporm Yep, I'm still replying to comments (albeit slowly), I'm usually personally against using tutors because they tend to slow the game down with the shuffling and all that (land tutors are different because you can just do that on somebody else's turn and let them do their thing), not to mention I like commander games to be different, and tutors tend to make games feel a bit samey, but they would definitely increase the power of the deck. Paroxysm , Wild Swing , Spark of Creativity , Molten Birth , Chaotic Strike , Volatile Rig and Crazed Firecat are all fairly low-impact cards that I put in for the theme, so any one of those (or all of them for that matter) could be replaced with better cards to improve the deck, and tutors would be a good way to go. Also, if you're going for max power, consider Frenetic Efreet although I'm not a fan since it takes a very long time to resolve that many coin flips. Also if you're going that route, Laboratory Maniac can work as well.
poorpinkus on
Evening the Odds - An actual decent coin flip deck
6 years ago
ZorrosRage Pretty well! It can get hosed by control decks, but in a 75% format it is a bomb. It tends to win a lot of games for me, since Zndrsplt has a decent chance of giving good value on the turn that they come out.
There are a lot of on-theme pet cards in this deck though: Paroxysm, Wild Swing, Spark of Creativity, Game of Chaos, Molten Birth, Chaotic Strike, Volatile Rig and Crazed Firecat are all on-theme, however if you replaced them with better cards for protecting Zndrsplt and Okaun, the deck would probably be more consistent. Essentially, the two commanders on their own can kill pretty easily, so you don't really need many coin flip cards, but I like the theme that it creates, and it does help in a pinch.
Magna13 on
Fumiko the Lowblood EDH
6 years ago
I see what you're going for, and I appreciate it. Here's some thoughts I had that might help:
First off, Chaos Warp is just really good removal, which this deck lacks at the moment.
As nice as Foriysian Totem is as a mana rock/blocker, I think Silent Arbiter would be a better option. It's great for slowing down the game when you need to slow it down, and you can just pop it with one of your artifact destroyers when it's your turn to go in.
If you can afford it, I'd cut Sokenzan Spellblade and replace it with Daretti, Scrap Savant. You have enough artifacts that I think it would be worth the slot. Hell, with the prevalence of artifacts, you could even run Hellkite Tyrant as a surprise, cheeky wincon for when you've not been able to properly set up your wall of attackers.
As amazing as Dualcaster Mage is, idk if he runs enough Instants/Sorceries for it to be worth it. Like yeah you can copy Starstorm or Chain Reaction for the big boy damage, but you could produce a similar result (with repetition even) by running Pyromancer's Goggles. Like yeah you could copy Scour from Existence or Wild Swing as well, but idk.
In my opinion, Dormant Volcano is always a bad land. Mathematically, the benefit of DV is the same as if you ran another basic land. However, I think this deck is actively hurt by its inclusion. You use Snow-Covered Mountain for triggering so many different effects like Goblin Charbelcher and Glacial Crevasses so having to sacrifice one for a land that doesn't even come in untapped is just not good.
Overall, solid list! I like the strategy.
Liquidbeaver on
Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]
8 years ago
Trtl: I really like Wild Swing a lot, and it's one I was sad to see go. Unfortunately, I have the most problem with Enchantments at the moment, so Chaos Warp has taken its place.
Gratuitous Violence has been in my sideboard longer than any other card (sideboard is my pending includes atm), and it's probably the one I want to get in the most. I really, really want it in there, but I'm not sure what to cut to make space. Regardless of the cost, I love that I can drop it when it's most convenient, not just as a finisher. I could see myself running Dictate because of the tricky things you could do with the flash. Furnace would be a little harder to run for me, unless I could guarantee I had a sac outlet out (getting easier at ~8).
Trtl on
Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]
8 years ago
Another suggestion is Wild Swing, you can target two of your mountains and the thing you want to die, then sac the mountains. It is a bit costly but it makes for a pretty good removal spell, considering it's mono red and all.
Pheardemons on
8 years ago
I don't particularly like Wild Swing. I'm very against the random factor. The only one I would probably care for with that is Gamble. Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer seems unneeded in your deck. The artifacts you have you want to keep. I would replace him with Daretti, Scrap Savant. You have A lot of cards that can copy activated abilities when you don't play that many activated abilities. Illusionist's Bracers, Rings of Brighthearth, and Thousand-Year Elixir. I would switch one of those with Panharmonicon and then switch the other two with any of the cards listed, or more copy triggered abilities. Lastly, Goblin Rally is expensive for what it does. Don't get me wrong you want to make goblins, but half of your deck does that.
MikealDH1 on
8 years ago
Ok finished the deck description Primer for the deck. Any feedback on the deck description would be greatly appreciated.
Also still need help with deck description formatting.
Also still need help with if there is a better card then Wild Swing, that destroys land, creatures, etc, for 3 cmc, 4 cmc, that not wrecking Ball, and doesn't have the bad, negative effects of Beast Within, Crack the earth.