Vedalken Heretic

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vedalken Heretic

Creature — Vedalken Rogue

Whenever Vedalken Heretic deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card.

Tic12 on Bant Exalted Alara

7 months ago

Finally i got 2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant, so the Deck seems to be more resilient.

ATM i'm testing Vedalken Heretic to solve the draw-problem, but i'm still not very happy with it.

Tic12 on Bant Exalted Alara

9 months ago

nuperokaso Thanks for your comment. 1. I'll cut the borderposts and include Druid of the Anima and Arcane Sanctum soon.

  1. Elspeth, Knight-Errant always seemed to be too slow. But maybe i'll give it a try and cut 1 Rafiq of the Many and 1 Battlegrace Angel.

  2. I oftend use Call to Heel to protect one of my dudes from mass removal, but maybe a direct Cancel is a better option.

  3. Year, the lack of draw is one of the biggest problems of the deck. Sages of the Anima or Soul's Majesty are two slow. Maybe Vedalken Heretic can solve it?

I also think about Wall of Reverence or Jhessian Infiltrator.

legendofa on Card Analysis #1 - Dreadhorde …

2 years ago

Since nobody's suggested an Article #10 card yet, I'm going to nominate Vedalken Heretic. It's not a card that gets a lot of use, but it has a distinct flavor tied to its home plane, and it has an effect similar to more well-known cards like Curiosity, but with one important distinction. I think it could be a good subject for analysis.

Cthu1uS4uru5R3x on I've got the itch

7 years ago

For card draw I've found a bunch (some a little +1/+1 counter focused, I've been working with those a bunch).

Here they are: Bred for the Hunt, Cold-Eyed Selkie, Fathom Mage, Jungle Barrier, Vedalken Heretic, Wistful Selkie, Zameck Guildmage

I'm not sure if your deck is creature-y enough, but Sages of the Anima can be really good.

lagotripha on

8 years ago

Tandem Lookout,Ophidian Eye, Keen Sense, Snake Umbra, Helm of the Ghastlord as an additional curiosity copies? Arm with AEther for more control? and the other mizzet are also options. I'm sure there is a Fate Unraveler/Kederekt Parasite/ Vedalken Heretic/ Looter il-Kor combo somewhere, but whatever. I find Pentad Prism will likely be useful for budget manafixes and acceleration while kwwping mana available. Psychosis Crawler looks good at first glance, but doesn't trigger effects.

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