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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Artifact Creature — Juggernaut
Ramroller attacks each turn if able.
Ramroller gets +2/+0 as long as you control another artifact.

nathanielhebert on
3 years ago
Just piping in to say I love the thematic concept of this deck — I've got a whack of juggernauts, and I'm tempted to open up my own juggernaut-factory. Ram-horned siege engines for the potential win. ( Or at least having a blast cranking out Ramroller s at break-neck speed! )
GaryJefferson on
Bigboi Rampsalot
6 years ago
phycomizard I really like both of those ideas. I'm not sure about Karametra's, I don't know that the devotion is high enough most times to be worth it, but the defenders definitely are. I was considering Gigantosaurus though, which would go pretty well with Karametra's I guess. I'd probably remove the Ramroller and both Loam Dryad's.
NewAgeDoom on Mono Black Artifact
7 years ago
Hello everyone, as the title suggests, I'm playing around with Mono Black Artifact (The Black Metal battle deck from Card Kingdom to be exact), and I'm looking for some second opinions on what to actually take out/remove, as I'm not entirely familiar with the decktype. Advice is appreciated. A bit of a pre-note, I am rather enjoying the interplay between the Defiant Salvager and Marionette Master, so any ideas for promoting that would be appreciated. Anywho, on to the decklist:
17 Swamp
clayperce on
Izzet Thoptorzz (OGW - Retired)
9 years ago
Yeah, Tightening Coils is great and my curve graph looks a little weird. But with Hangarback Walker as a two-drop and Clash of Wills as something like 2.5, Claustrophobia actually fill it out pretty nicely. Plus the creature can't be used as a really annoying chump-blocker :-)
I looked pretty seriously at Ramroller early on, but it's in kind of an awkward place. Too big to be useful early and too small to be an effective as a back-up win-con.
Thanks TONS though; I really appreciate the opportunity to take a hard re-look at these!
frogkill45 on
Izzet Thoptorzz (OGW - Retired)
9 years ago
Tightening Coils might be a better curve than Claustrophobia
Ramroller not used much but has great potential with Ghostfire Blade
pense2 on
Aethergrid Control
9 years ago
You could put in some cheap artifact creatures, and be able to block/tap with them as you try and stall the opponent. Although their abilities are not very useful, Keeper of the Lens and Bonded Construct could provide as blockers for very little mana. Ramroller could provide a way to pressure the opponent, as well as provide some synergy with other artifacts. Just throwing out some ideas for creatures.
Mornelith on
Thopter Foundry
9 years ago
Nafinity this is true. Also Rising Miasma or Languish make for a bad day, but you take things as they come, and against Plague, I can always buff up my Ramroller with Chief of the Foundry, Ghostfire Blade and Sigil of Valor and drive him home with Whirler Rogue. Not that it's a reliable back-up plan, but at least I can go down swinging.
haberdashdsgn on
Operation Thopter
9 years ago
Thanks jmpantangco! Ramroller works great as well. I just opted for the dash surprise instead. Most likely will end up adding those guys after Khans cycles next year. Every time I've tried to add more counter it didn't feel right. I've sideboarded all of it and end up just using Roast or Disdainful Stroke for the more problematic decks and swap for Thopter Spy Network. Since I only run 2 of them it's just a nice touch if I can cast it, I get thopters and draw cards. I love drawing cards. Maybe consider keeping some instead of Stratus Dancer? Just an idea. Those sound like they're still great wins for what you have.