Knucklebone Witch

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Knucklebone Witch

Creature — Goblin Shaman

Whenever a Goblin you control is put into a graveyard from play, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Knucklebone Witch.

ShiningEyes on Ragavan Gobos

3 years ago

Does the green splash get you anything but ignoble hierarch?

Is the hierarch worth the headache?

Are there other red or black 1-drops worth considering in its place? Legion Loyalist, Perhaps? or even Knucklebone Witch? I Know Goblin Guide has fallen out of favor?

Maybe the acceleration really is that critical for this deck, but I'd be inclined to see if I could make a board presence and cut the third color for my own life total and consistency's sake.

StrawBossMH on Zoblins

4 years ago

(Feb 2021) I am currently considering swapping:


  1. 4 Dragonskull Summit for 4 Blightstep Pathway  Flip
  2. 2-4 Knucklebone Witch for 2-4 Bomat Courier


  1. 2 Shattering Spree for 2 Shenanigans

Inuyashaninja on Korvold's Goblin Emporium

5 years ago

tibbgrocc, Knucklebone Witch is a great card and would work well in a more aristocrats form of the deck. However, since I mostly play combo and because of the rampant removal effects in my meta, its usage is a bit diminished. But, I'll keep a copy in my deckbox in case I ever feel the need to use it.

tibbgrocc on Korvold's Goblin Emporium

5 years ago

Inuyashaninja Yeah then you pretty much got the deck I would play!

Knucklebone Witch ?

lagotripha on What are the pros and …

5 years ago

I was thinking of old krenko, from back when I was still mucking about with goblin lists.

For rakdos aggro, Munitions Expert is the most important as (functionally) extra copies of Goblin Grenade . Earwig Squad and Sling-Gang Lieutenant somewhere in the 75.

Run some tests with spike jester and see if you like it there- I've played it in the past and its fine. Not amazing, just fine. Jund Hackblade is similar, but more conditional, and Goblin Deathraiders is bad. Thats the multicolour goblins covered- its quite unexciting. Mad Auntie is a lord that doesn't offer evasion, and is therefore better as any of the red lords, but might be worth it in a hyper-budget list.

Auntie's Snitch and Squee, Goblin Nabob are an interesting card advantage engine (which is hated out by the same cards as dredge), but can make for a fun Zombie Infestation list. Stinkdrinker Bandit would be good if enough good goblin rogues existed. Warren Weirding is an interesting hybrid removal/token spell, but still sub-par.

With the meta up in the air as far as competitive modern goes, I don't feel too confident getting more specific than 'playtest'.

Stoneforge means plans for a t3 Batterskull are a must, as well as a plan for Ensnaring Bridge (hence me looking at Angrath's Rampage or Rakdos Charm ), but past that just playtest and see what you like. See if any rakdos burn lists show up on a metagame site for you to pinch the sideboard/spells from.

I mean, I'm someone who'd see if Skirk Prospector / Knucklebone Witch / Experimental Frenzy was playable. I'm not sure you should be taking advice from me.

Boza on What are the pros and …

5 years ago

The biggest reason is actually Sling-Gang Lieutenant which is a crucial source of finishing power. Additionally, you get access to Knucklebone Witch which is incredibly powerful for a 1 drop in the mid game.

hungry000 on

5 years ago

I would cut Knucklebone Witch or Skirk Prospector rather than any Warren Instigators.

BottropBoB on

8 years ago

Very good BR goblin drops is the Earwig Squad

Earwig Squad turn 3 after attacking cast them for his prowl coasts, you see the full deck of your enemy and exile 3 cars (he can loose his wincondition)

mayby card in BR are Wort, Boggart Auntie and as a buff and protekt all you other goblins Mad Auntie.

Knucklebone Witch and Boggart Mob can be used in token decks in como with Boggart Shenanigans

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