Folio of Fancies

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Folio of Fancies


Players have no maximum hand size.

, : Each player draws X cards.

, : Each opponent puts a number of cards equal to the number of cards in their hand from the top of their library into their graveyard.

DemonDragonJ on Waste Not

5 months ago

I have replaced Temple Bell with Folio of Fancies, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.65 to 3.63, since the folio better fits the theme of this deck than does the bell.

DemonDragonJ on Waste Not

5 months ago

I have replaced Mortality Spear with Drag to the Roots, since this deck has no way to gain life, apart from Ravenous Squirrel, but does actively encourage me to put cards into my own graveyard, so it should be easy to cast the latter card for its reduced cost.

I also am contemplating replacing Temple Bell with Folio of Fancies, as the latter card, there, would work very well, with this deck, so I shall ask everyone else here how they feel, about that.

Necramus on Slowly Going Mad

7 months ago

So happy to see someone else using Folio of Fancies!! Underrated card, imo.

TheSurgeon on Bruvac's Millibuster

1 year ago

sedox06- Thanks for your comment and upvote! Drawing has never been too much of a hangup for this deck. The mana you don't use for turn can be used for Petitioner's mill ability. Another card that floats in and out of this build is Folio of Fancies, Allowing draw (albeit expensive) at instant speed. Great for responding to a player's end of turn declaration, just before your turn; which I like enough to put in here, but not enough to commit to, in a final build. It may see a return in a future update.

I'll head over to your deck when I get a minute to look at it with a bit more scrutiny.

SufferFromEDHD on Nekusar's Bear Hug

1 year ago

Indentured Djinn nice 3 drop! Will definitely be adding to my Nekusar deck.

Whirlpool Warrior > Baleful strix

Folio of Fancies > Spellbook

Echo of Eons has been MVP in my list.

Orange+ on Moonage Daydream ~100$

1 year ago

Hey, Oakiegg. Thanks for the suggestions.

First of all, I have found this deck to be much less helpless than I previously suspected based on its predecessor Any Color You Like. This was a suprise, but a welcomed one. I think the trick to not being as helpless during early to midgame is the addition of cards such as the pillowfort pieces and small blockers (cmc < 5).

I have looked at Folio of Fancies before, but not Minds Aglow. However, none of them immediately strikes me as perfect fits for this deck.

Minds Aglow is a sorcery speed draw card that lets everyone draw. I prefer to draw on instant speed, since I can then keep mana up for interaction cards (such as counterspells) untill the end of the round before my turn again. I think this looks cool, but I prefer not to tap out on my own turn, and my oponents probably dont want to invest alot either since they already get extra draws from Kami of the Crescent Moon etc.

Folio of Fancies is therefore a better fit IMO, since it can draw me cards instant speed. However, all players gaining no max handsize is a drawback, since I do usually want my opponents to discard down to seven cards to keep some advantage. But more importantly, it just a tad bit too expensive investment for 2 mana to draw 1, or 4 mana to draw 2. Atleast with cards like Behold the Multiverse (which also costs 4) there are upsides like scry 2. Still, this is a card I might playtest in the future.

Thanks again for the suggestions, I really apreciate it :)

Oakiegg on Moonage Daydream ~100$

1 year ago

Have you given any thought to include Minds Aglow or Folio of Fancies? I've found these can help with the having to beg for other players mercy, since you can help refill their hand / give them some extra cards, especially with the Folio giving all players no max hand size! They'd both fit within your budget as well ;)

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