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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



You may play Parapet any time you could play an instant. If it was played any time a sorcery couldn't have been played, it gains substance until end of turn and when it loses substance, sacrifice it.

Creatures you control get +0/+1.

Skreem on Peaceful

2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions! Old-skool, and I keep forgetting that StP isn't banned XD

Test of Faith is a another Temper! Love it!

Yeah, Pariah would likely be better than Parapet

Will definitely look to pick those up! Thanks!

FormOverFunction on Equipment with higher toughness boost …

2 years ago

There may be some toughness-tech in my banding deck you could like, such as Parapet. No obligation, just similar interests :P

taylorfisdboss on mono white swarm

3 years ago

really considering adding Stormscape Familiar and Ballyrush Banneret in place of the enchantment package. this might allow for some Veteran Armorsmith's or Veteran Swordsmith's to replace Parapet and Warded Battlements, or even for the more expensive Daru Cavalier to be added to our squad hawk effects (although it is already weaker). wouldn't even mind adding in black for some Unearth's or something

griffstick on Survive and overwhelm

5 years ago

Just need 3 cuts

And I'm thinking all 3 anthems. Parapet , Fortifying Provisions , and Lumithread Field

KayneMarco on Arcades the Strategist

6 years ago

Here’s a few cards to think about that fit the theme of the deck quite well in either their abilities and or in the artwork:

casperdazizzle on Doran, the Tutor Tower

6 years ago

hello, fellow doran user.

may i sugest a bit more buff enchantments. like Behind the Scenes, Builder's Blessing, Castle, Parapet, Primal Rage, Spidersilk Armor and Brave the Sands. I would also like to sugest a bit of mass removal, that will not remave Doran, the Siege Tower like Fell the Mighty, Wave of Reckoning and Slaughter the Strong. I have 2 creature sugestions as well. if you could add Oathsworn Giant and Unstoppable Ash. they are great.

I hope these sugestions will help you.

eyes2sky on Suck My Kiss

6 years ago

Ishio Other options for dealing with Electrickery you could use are: Parapet, Rhystic Shield, Lumithread Field, Prismatic Strands, Shields of Velis Vel or Hallow.

CapnMikee on Angel's Exalted (Pauper Angel Tribal)

6 years ago

This deck looks great for the price, so I'm gonna buy it. I couldn't get my hands on 2 Parapet so I exchanged them for two cards from the maybe board. This is going to be my first pauper deck and after playtesting it I feel like it will do very well.

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