Bazaar Trademage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bazaar Trademage

Creature — Human Wizard


When Bazaar Trademage enters the battlefield, draw two cards, then discard three cards.

lilgigantopithicus on Bazaar Enchantments Reanimater

2 years ago

Man why didn't I think of using Force of Will. I'm so use to brewing green decks that it didn't even cross my mind that blue has free counters. I'm a see what I can take out for it. I feel like Bazaar looting effects are too costly by themselves compared to my other looting options, the reason I keep Bazaar Trademage is his body really ties up delver decks. The other suggestions you made are really interesting, they even open up a lot of new ways I can build my deck. Just looking at Gifts Ungiven, I can see it tutoring up Replenish, Opposition, Noxious Revival, and idk Force of Will. Maybe the Sram card to combo with Belief. Lots of stuff to tinker with thanks duchessCretina

lilgigantopithicus on Bazaar Enchantments Reanimater

2 years ago

Man why didn't I think of using Force of Will. I'm so use to brewing green decks that it didn't even cross my mind that blue has free counters

lilgigantopithicus on Bazaar Enchantments Reanimater

2 years ago

Man why didn't I think of using Force of Will. I'm so use to brewing green decks that it didn't even cross my mind that blue has free counters

lilgigantopithicus on Bazaar Enchantments Reanimater

2 years ago

Man why didn't I think of using Force of Will. I'm so use to brewing green decks that it didn't even cross my mind that blue has free counters

lilgigantopithicus on Bazaar Enchantments Reanimater

2 years ago

Man why didn't I think of using Force of Will. I'm so use to brewing green decks that it didn't even cross my mind that blue has free counters

lilgigantopithicus on Bazaar Enchantments Reanimater

2 years ago

Man why didn't I think of using Force of Will. I'm so use to brewing green decks that it didn't even cross my mind that blue has free counters

SynergyBuild on [PEDH] - Araumi Value Town City Furniture

4 years ago

Strange you aren't running Fblthp, the Lost or Dusk Legion Zealot but you are running Phyrexian Rager! I'd get that fixed xD

I think this deck is best when filling the yard through massive looting, so effects like Bazaar Trademage could be really strong.

Edit: PEDH, I need to read, frick. Welp still dusk legion xD

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