Ancestral Anger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ancestral Anger


Target creature gains trample and gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is 1 plus the number of cards named Ancestral Anger in your graveyard. (The creature can deal excess combat damage to the player, planeswalker or battle it is attacking if lethal combat damage would be dealt to all blocking creatures.)

Draw a card.

PhyrexianPraetor on Hot Potato!

11 months ago

I like what you got here. The only things I can suggest are the following.

1) run four copies of Lightning Bolt. It acts like removal and gives you the ability to hit your opponent’s life total directly. I personally feel Kazuul's Fury  Flip, Mutagenic Growth, Kazandu Mammoth  Flip and Wayward Guide-Beast aren’t needed unless you run three or more copies of each.

2) cards like Ancestral Anger, Audacity, Charge Through and Crash Through allow you to get past walls of creatures with trample and also draw you a card, which can make your deck more consistent.

I think the ideal list for you would be this.

4 Akoum Hellhound, 4 Brushfire Elemental, 3 Lotus Cobra, 3 Atarka’s Command, 4 Lightning Bolt, 3 Temur Battle Rage, 4 Crash Through, 4 Enter the Unknown, 4 Explore, 4 Skyclave Pick-Axe, 23 lands

Iehovah on Pauper Red go BRRR

1 year ago

Although I haven't played much pauper, a quick search led me to some card for you to consider. Ancestral Anger might be worth running over Crash Through, Mutagenic Growth always pairs well with Kiln Fiend, and Renegade Tactics might be worth considering for the sideboard.

Balaam__ on Proper Pauper Prowess

1 year ago

Thanks sergiodelrio, I’ll add Ancestral Anger to the maybeboard straight away. Not sure what I’d remove for it, since it really wants to be a full play set, but I’m sure there’s room for tinkering here.

sergiodelrio on Proper Pauper Prowess

1 year ago

Wow I got Mandela'd pretty hard on this deck xD

Read the description 3 times because my mind insisted that Swiftspear had been Common since Khans and almost wrote that as a comment. But I went double-checking and it turns out it had been uncommon up until recently. I'm prolly getting old xD

Long story short: +1 from me

Also, check out Ancestral Anger in case you haven't yet, I know you already have crash through but it gives you that extra pump. Just as an option

WhiteEagle_12 on

1 year ago

Ancestral Anger just seems like a better defiant strike to me. Other than that, it looks good!

indieinside on

1 year ago

freddiefrick, we took out the Worldslayer combo along with Dragon Egg and Dragon Hatchling. Added the following -

Ancestral Anger, Dictate of the Twin Gods, Heartless Hidetsugu, Terror of Mount Velus

Thanks so much for the help.

tinhead on

1 year ago

indieinside I'm glad you found my suggestions helpful! Those two cards are very strong and will certainly speed up the game, if not win it outright. Here are some cards I might cut if I were you:

  • Brash Taunter: not a Dragon and rarely will be dealt damage. All your Dragons are scary enough blockers, too.

  • Dragon Egg: again, you have far more powerful blockers and a 2/2 that you can pump is just not good enough for 3 mana. It would be better to spend that mana in early turns getting ramp on the board.

  • Dragon Hatchling: same rationale as Dragon Egg.

  • Dragonmaster Outcast: OK in the late game, but it triggers on your upkeep so the Dragons you get will have summoning sickness. It takes a long time for this card to get going.

  • Doubling Cube: a very good card, but I'm not sure if you need it in this deck. Other ramp and cost reducers will probably achieve the same effect. Plus, playing this card may signal to other players that you're going to do a big combo, potentially putting a target on your head.

  • Worldslayer: probably don't need this. Your main wincon here is sending burn at opp face and turning your cards sideways.

Also, you might want to add cards like Ancestral Anger that give your Dragons trample. That card is especially good because it cantrips too. Hope this helps -- I'm eager to see the final version of the deck!

lespaul977 on Lonely Wolf

1 year ago

I think you’ve got a cool idea here. If you’re only going to be attacking with one creature at a time, I would recommend adding in more cards that give your creatures trample. I think something like Ancestral Anger would be a good sorcery option, and Loxodon Warhammer, while mana expensive, might be a good equipment option. Have fun with the deck!

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