Leyline of Singularity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Leyline of Singularity


If Leyline of Singularity is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it in play.

All nonland permanents are legendary.

Rhadamanthus on Priority after ETB

8 months ago

No, this doesn't work. Though the player does retain priority to take another action, targets for a triggered ability are chosen at the time it's put onto the stack. You can't back up and re-select targets if someone makes a response.

It's possible to construct a situation where Loaming Shaman can target itself with its own trigger, but it involves the Shaman dying to a state-based-action immediately upon entering the battlefield. This is because triggered abilities are put onto the stack at the time a player gets priority to take another action but SBAs are checked and dealt with right before each time a player would get priority. So it could work in a situation where, for example, the player's opponent had Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, or someone had Leyline of Singularity and the player already controlled another Loaming Shaman.

IHATENAMES on i like draw card

8 months ago

Wizard Class powerful finisher

Leyline of Singularity unique way to decimate token/treasure/clone decks

Perplexing Test my favorite blue boardwipe

Candlekeep Inspirationpotential game ender w/many instant sorcerys

Minn, Wily Illusionist board state maker. Can put permanents into play like lands

Lorien Revealed 1 mana cantrips for a land. Otherwise 5 mana draw 3. Not bad early or late game.

JoyTheEnbySliverLover on Is there any other card(s) …

9 months ago

Rhadamanthus I literally just need something to make a lot of stuff Legendary and that's it lol. I don't want it to be Leyline of Singularity because it is kinda toxic against certain decks I frequently play against.

JoyTheEnbySliverLover on Is there any other card(s) …

9 months ago

I know about Leyline of Singularity but I recently realised how it can be occasionally toxic and would like to know if there are any other alternatives.

legendofa on The Doctor and Friends

1 year ago

AJammedPrinter Mycosynth Lattice won't turn your non-permanent spells into anything historic. They'll just be colorless, not actually artifacts. An instant or sorcery can't also be an artifact. Not that it's a bad suggestion, but the reasoning is inaccurate.

Incidentally, Leyline of Singularity will also make all of your permanent spells legendary, and therefore historic.

HatchMichael18 on 5 color 0 creatures v3.0

1 year ago

Crucible of Worlds and Command Beacon makes it where you no longer pay command tax Divine Reckoning Slash the Ranks The Eternal Wanderer and Hour of Reckoning are decent board wipes to consider

very janky but hear me out

Avacyn's Memorial and Leyline of Singularity i noticed your only using token creatures Mirror Box when your against snowball goblins or elves this combo comes in handy

acbooster on Interaction between Leyline of Singularity …

3 years ago

This came up in conversation when talking about my Spirit tribal decklist.

Yomiji, Who Bars the Way has a triggered ability that will return a legendary permanent card back to the hand from the graveyard if it enters the graveyard from the battlefield.

Leyline of Singularity makes all nonland permanents legendary.

Let's say my Rattlechains dies with both of these on the field. It's a legendary creature when it leaves the battlefield, so Yomiji sees a legendary. Does the card still go back to my hand, even though it's no longer legendary once it enters the graveyard?

mtgApprentice21 on golddiggers

4 years ago

Switch out Glacial Fortress and Drowned Catacomb for Sea of Clouds and Morphic Pool if you usually play multiplayer games with this deck. You can always switch them back for 1v1 games if you need to.

One other thing, I think Empress Galina would very much like to work with Leyline of Singularity. I've seen a friend of mine use that to steal someone else's Blightsteel Colossus, as well as a few other big, non-legendary things. It was really funny.

All I'm sayin' is, if you're gonna make a theft & copy deck, go all the way and turn it into a deck that makes everyone else's life a living hell! XD

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