Barktooth Warbeard
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Barktooth Warbeard

Legendary Creature — Human Warrior

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Pardic Collaborator
Mountain Titan
Murk Dwellers
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Stardragon on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Soprano of Blood 2

Creature- Vampire Performer


2: Sacrifice a non-token non-vampire creature put a +1/+1 counter on target vampire you control if the sacrificed creature was a human target vampire also gains haste and double strike until the end of the turn

"Those who listen to her sing shed more than tears at her performance."


Make a new updated card for Barktooth Warbeard or any vanilla Legendary creatur from Legends using their flavor text as guide

legendofa on New Social Contract Breach Discussion

2 years ago

Gleeock I haven't gotten in a multiplayer game with randoms for years now, I've never played cEDH, and I don't actually have a regular group at the moment (frustration and sadness), so I'm probably out of touch with actual multiplayer reality.

All the same, though, I have a couple of responses. "[T]he only other valid player threw a tantrum & left the game" is not good play. But I take special exception to the tantrum. If, hypothetically, the other player said "I'm afraid I have no chance at winning, I concede. Good game, and well played," would that still be an issue? I understand that the game flow can be radically changed by who's present and available. However, I see the following: conceding gracefully is respectful and legal. Conceding with a tantrum is disrespectful, but legal. Refusing to vote on Expropriate, then continuing to play, is disrespectful and illegal. And 104.3a very much says a player can dip out of it all: "A player can concede the game at any time. A player who concedes leaves the game immediately. That player loses the game."

But the legality of concession isn't really the issue here. The issue is "when is quitting the game right to do?" Instead of directly answering, I'd like to add some supplemental questions, based on this thread and my own thoughts.

  1. Is it fair play to concede in response to being attacked? If Gahiji, Honored One Beatdown attacks Tobias Andrion with a Titanic Ultimatum and enough creatures to defeat Tobias, can Tobias concede immediately to avoid the lifelink damage? Does the answer change whether Gahiji is dominating the match at 300 life + board vs. barely hanging on at 4 life and built up a Fervored board this turn?

  2. Is it fair play to concede if a player can reasonably expect to be unable to proceed, if an opponent is relying on their presence? If Sen Triplets Stax has stripped all artifact removal from The Lady of the Mountain's deck through Sadistic Sacrament and has taken control of nearly all of The Lady's permanents, can The Lady concede on the grounds that she reasonably believes she can't win, even though it would cost Triplets some key blockers?

  3. Is it fair play to concede a game if it forces another player into a line of action? Marisi, Breaker of the Coil Combat Control goads Jedit Ojanen into attacking. During Jedit's first main phase, before Jedit attacks, Barktooth Warbeard gets a critical removal spell countered and decides this game is unwinnable. Is Barktooth free to gracefully and respectfully concede, forcing Jedit to attack the remaining available player?

I don't claim to have objectively correct answers to these questions, but I think they add some needed nuance to the central question of when someone can concede to another person's detriment.

Obviously, conceding shouldn't be done yelling and tableflipping. But assuming a modicum of decency, I think conceding should be available at any time, within the agreement of the group. It can be difficult to determine whether conceding is done tactically, spitefully, or simply to cut losses, and having a pre-match conversation can settle these issues, so that's a point I strongly agree with. In a more competitive setting, I guess leave it to the judges to explain pre-tournament and adjucate as needed? That's outside of my expertise.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Random New Deck

2 years ago

I got Barktooth Warbeard, and I really liked what legendofa said and got Gang Up and Jeweled Lotus. That's pretty generic.

To fit Barktooth's flavour text, I might actually go with a goad plan that also wants opponent's creatures to die. Kardur, Doomscourge and Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant among all the other great goad cards would go in here, as well as an instant removal plan around Toshiro Umezawa, Syr Konrad, the Grim and Revel in Riches. As Lotus wants me to focus on warbeard, having a combat trick based voltron plan fits with Toshi. Seems convoluted, but I like it.

mauricio49b on Legends by Plane

3 years ago

The Vorthos in me loves DemonDragonJ's commander by home plane, so I wanted to expand that to all eligible commanders and legends. Don't nitpick me, but I am also including Planeswalkers and some unofficial commanders in this list due to them being notable figures in magic lore, and some casual circles use them as commanders. Placements are made due to lore reasons and my best judgement. Several planes have pretext to explain some categorization choices. I'll update this list over time of course. Currently Updated to Innistrad, Crimson Vow (VOW, 2021).

Alara Show

Bablovia Show

Dominaria Show

Dominia Show

Innistrad Show

Kamigawa Show

Muraganda Show

New Phyrexia Show

Ravnica Show

Shadowmoor Show

Theros Show

Zendikar Show

Unknown Show

Special Show

Universes Beyond Show

Worth noting that most of the earlier unknown origins (especially LEG) can be assumed to be Dominaria, but there's not official confirmation and for all pre-mending sets, having a spark wasn't required for planar travel. If the set takes place on multiple planes, and there isn't explicit confirmation of which plane they reside, they go in unknown. Post Mending (Post Future Sight), creatures are assumed to be from the setting of the current plane, unless otherwise stated.

If this isn't enough vorthos for you, check out

dbpunk on Legendaries who shouldn't be legendary?

4 years ago

So theres been plenty of talks about nonlegendaries who should be legendary (looking at you Tamanoa) or nonlegendary cards who could be potentially used as commanders (like the Nephilim cycle before we had C17 or whichever introduced the 4 color legends) but what legendaries do you think arent as legendary as they should be? What legendary creatures do you think don't stand up to the task of being legendary creatures, much less commanders? Like the ability just might not feel powerful enough or it could be so similar to other abilities that it just doesnt feel legendary. One of my choices would be Kwende, Pride of Femeref.

Bonus points if you dont use a vanilla legendary like Barktooth Warbeard.

DrukenReaps on EDH vs cEDH

4 years ago

Wow, so many comments sparked by my silly rant. Awesome conversation guys! Surprisingly civil-ish too.

triproberts12 I'm going to pick on you since your the most recent. Lets say we sit down and I have some silly deck led by Barktooth Warbeard filled with mostly vanilla creatures. To use power levels this would be a 1. You have your 75% deck, likely sits around 7 by most standards. Are we playing different formats? This is literally your argument. The difference in the two deck's abilities to win is just as far apart, if not more so, than that elfball was from yours.

Heisenburr on The Big Bad Wurm

5 years ago

@TheRedGoat Thanks for your suggestions and sorry for my bad englado.

Usually I need 2 creatures to kill Grothama, All-Devouring for the first time in a match. Personally I'm fine with that and don't think, that we need either Bow of Nylea or Grafted Exoskeleton .

The deck is built to draw a ton of cards and it pretty much always does. The only thing that can get in our way is, when we keep a starting hand without something for card draw, we don't draw anything similar and our creatures (which were to kill Grothama) will be removed. In this case a cheap early card draw spell like Life's Legacy or Hunter's Insight could be really useful. (When i built the deck, i was also considering those two but simply forgot to put them to the Maybeboard.

The Great Aurora - I've never seen this card before and I'm not quite sure if we need more lands on the battlefield, when we can already cast a 9 mana spell. The card draw is pretty sweet tho combined with Psychosis Crawler . (And you are right, the deck makes it easy to have a handsize of 20+ cards.)

Vivien's Invocation - In my opinion See the Unwritten is simply better.

Death's Presence - Could be pretty neat, but I'm not sure if I would cut antyhing for it.

Pathbreaker Ibex - Great card, can also be tutored for with Fierce Empath (I will definitely add it to the 99 in the future!)

Berserk - Already in the deck. Love the card... used it one time on a buffed Mossbridge Troll to hit for 50 and draw almost my whole deck with Greater Good .

Dragon Throne of Tarkir + Surestrike Trident - I almost cut all equipment cards because they were too slow. Only Darksteel Plate and Lightning Greaves are still in the deck.

Ravenous Slime - Most of the time our commander is dead before we end our turn. And if she is still alive, then we have some protection in back up. So we don't need Ravenous Slime .

I'd never suggest to play Grothama, All-Devouring just to have her on the board. Only play her, if you can make use of her ability in that turn or can protect her until your next turn.

I don't like Trollhide / Blinding Fog - When you need more protection for our wurm Blossoming Defense is cheaper and better.

Verdant Sun's Avatar - Personally I like the card, but I never felt needing it.

Gigantosaurus / Crash of Rhino Beetles / Phyrexian Dreadnought - Every creature in my deck has either a useful ability or is hard to remove. The 3 beater u mentioned are only big and die to easily.

I can only recommend Grothama, All-Devouring if you like card draw and smashing face with big hitters. She definitely has a unique ability which you can't find on any other card in magic. Beside Barktooth Warbeard , Grothama is my favorite EDH deck.

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