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Said on Judge Chat...


As folks keep posting on this long-dead thread to ask questions, I am going to lock it. Anyone with a question should ask it on the Rules Q&A section of this site: Link.


redfoxfire - Yes, you can use Lithoform Engine to copy the activated ability of Inventors' Fair.

May 7, 2024 1:55 a.m.

Said on Help improve my …...


This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)

May 3, 2024 3:21 p.m.

Said on rckclimber777...


I think you are fine to post a link to the deck - the "no lists" is really about "please do not fill the format conversation section with asking for help with your decklist or showing off your decklist."

Here, you would be talking about the format generally, and any decklist you link would be to support that conversation.

May 3, 2024 2:59 p.m.

Said on Looking for a …...


I do a fair bit of work in the field of mental health - IQ is one of those things that medical professionals still use and it does have some utility - but, in a lot of cases, they are doing so because it is expected, not because they actually think it is the right test to apply.

As a metric, IQ has a lot of problems - they only test certain types of intelligence and are extremely prone to non-intelligence factors influencing the results (for example, dyslexia can heavily reduce one’s performance on certain IQ tests, even though it has no bearing on actual intelligence). IQ is designed to measure a generalize aptitude - but not really the actual usage of that aptitude. Richard Feynman, for example, has an IQ of 125 - the lowest bounds of the “genius” category. Feynman helped revolutionize our understanding of the universe, and his theories both won him the Physics Nobel Prize and were instrumental to the Manhattan Project. He did all of that while also being extremely witty and charming, showing types of intelligence IQ tests simply ignore.

This is why the psychologists I work with only pay attention to low IQ scores. At the low end, IQ is actually helpful - it shows the individual has a diminished capacity for learning and likely will have impediments to their functioning. At the high end, you do not get as much from the metric - you know they have a high capacity for one specific type of reasoning, but not what types of intelligence or if they are even using that capacity in an effective manner.

Overall, I would not give it much thought. IQ is not really important; what is important is whether two people are compatible and love one another. It sounds like you have found someone you connect with, and, when it comes down to it, does anything else really matter in this world in which we all live?

May 2, 2024 10:59 a.m.

Said on New Horizons 3...


Wizards publishes a full card image gallery for all cards in a set - here, for example, is the card image gallery for Thunder Junction. Additionally, once the set goes live, you can use The Gatherer to find every card in a set if you want an official list.

April 29, 2024 10:49 p.m.

Said on New Horizons 3...


Just to make sure this is very clear, TappedOut’s official policy is Leaks = Bans.

At the time of posting, there have been a number of leaked cards from this set, but no official spoils. Discussing these leaked cards, posting their rules text, or posting images of the cards before they are officially spoiled is prohibited.

April 29, 2024 8:08 p.m.

MTG Decks

Pinball Wizard - Karona, False God EDH

Commander / EDH Caerwyn


240 Card Modern Battle of Wits

Modern Caerwyn


Mr. Smith Goes to Ravnica

Modern Caerwyn


Finished Decks 61
Prototype Decks 43
Drafts 0
Playing since Seventh Edition
Points 553
Avg. deck rating 45.25
T/O Rank 27
Helper Rank 26
Cards suggested / good suggestions 533 / 356
Joined 7 years