
Instant (6)

Sorcery (2)

Enchantment (5)

Artifact (2)


Instant (1)

Creature (4)

Modifying my heroic-effort-uw deck into a monowhite weenie deck. Blue wasn't adding enough to the deck and with JOU adding Banishing Light it was easy to replace the Detention Sphere.

Decks focuses on the Heroic mechanic with the idea of boosting small creatures quick with just a bit of protection to her them through.

UPDATE: Cleaned up based on suggestions, got a goldfish of 4/5, now to live playtest it...


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First real world run and the results were mixed.

Game 1: B/R Minotaur (2-0) Guy was running a fresh brew for fun. First game I played timid not knowing if he had any burn, still out lasted him thanks to some timely Brave the Elements, second game I knew better and swung had early.

Game 2: Red Devotion (2-1) Newest addition Keening Apparition came in handy to keep Eidolon of the Great Revel in check game 1. Game 2 he swung Stormbreath Dragon to make me bleed. Game 3 I slipped in a couple Celestial Flare to help but never needed them. An Ethereal Armor on a Hopeful Eidolon gave me a boost to counter the burn long enough to overwhelm him.

Game 3: Boros Burn (0-2) Game 1 was him burning everything early and swinging Stormbreath Dragon. Between games I made the mistake of mentioning my Celestial Flares so he kept them in mind. Game 2 was a grind and my lack of mid to late game solutions showed brightly. Both Ajani's hit board but he kept hitting them to keep them in check while numerous Nyx-Fleece Rams fed him life. Eventually it was 45 life to my 20 and he dropped a second Stormbreath Dragon leading to a scoop.

Game 4: B/W Midrange (0-1) He out gunned me early after bad mana draws and I had to jet for the night so no time to correct.

Better than I expected, got some experience and took some notes.

Cards that stood out:

Keening Apparition - with the sheer number of enchantments this is a must. I'll miss it when it rotates out

Celestial Flare - lock for the sideboard, may be worth two more

Hopeful Eidolon - lifelink was huge

Key lesson learned:

Mulligan, mulligan, mulligan. First game I mulliganed both, second game I mulliganed the third and got stuck with 5 cards and 1 mana but pulled it off. I think that got in my head because I stuck with some crappy hands game three.

Now to figure out how to improve on this for next time...

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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 2 Mythic Rares

15 - 2 Rares

10 - 5 Uncommons

12 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.66
Tokens Cat 2/2 W, Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders deck ideas, Inspire, deck
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