
An amusing black/green counter strategy that can churn out enormous dudes in a timely fashion. I will outline the perfect sequence below and explain some synergies.

Turn 1: Hardened Scales

Turn 2: Winding Constrictor

Turn 3: Rishkar, Peema Renegade, targeting itself and Winding Constrictor. The triggers from Hardened Scales and snek will stack and net you a 5/6 snake and a 5/5 elf (both of which can tap for green)

Turn 4: Hardcast Corpsejack Menace and tap both creatures with counters for two additional Hardened Scales

Turn 5: Cast Endless One with 'X' as seven and stack triggers like so: Endless One (total of 7 counters), Hardened Scales x3 (total of 10 counters), Winding Constrictor (total of 11 counters), Corpsejack Menace (total of 22 counters). This will net you a 22/22 Eldrazi

Turn 6: Enchant Endless One with a Rancor and cast anything else, and attack for all the damage

This sequence outlines the key synergies in the deck, so here are a few quick thoughts.

Removal: The maindeck is fairly killspell-light, but has renewable murder sources in the form of Cruel Sadist and Retribution of the Ancients. Both of these cards get out of control absurdly fast and can take care of multiple targets each. A couple backup copies of Putrefy can see to the bigger dudes and occasionally some important combo pieces.

Mid to late game: If the combo pieces aren't lining up, you can last long enough to smash adequate face with cards like Hangarback Walker, NIssa, Voice of Zendikar, and all the big ass dudes being produced. Hangarback is an all-star with some assistance and can make an impregnable defensive shield of thopters, Nissa can either chrun ou tblockers or make your dudes even more gigantic, and pretty much everything else should be able to put your opponent on the back foot through attack pressure and removal.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 3 Rares

19 - 9 Uncommons

2 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Plant 0/1 G, Thopter 1/1 C
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