Chandra, Pyromaster and Elspeth, Sun's Champion seemed like a match made in heaven to me. With one providing card advantage wile the other keeps them safe, these two can quickly take over the game, opening the door for your other cards to win the game. Looking for advice to make this as good as possible.
-Card Choices-
Aurelia, the Warleader
A quick way to finish off the game, and a powerful finisher. She is also able to play defense while she gets in for a bit of damage each turn.
Boros Reckoner
Obviously very powerful, he stymies early aggro and lets us get to the late game. An obvious 4-of.
Purphoros, God of the Forge
A big guy that can very easily be turned on, he is also part of the wombo combo with Assemble the Legion.
Chandra's Phoenix
Another strong creature, puts pressure on control and can trade with a lot of early drops
Chandra, Pyromaster
The main attraction, she does it all. Kills dorks, generates card advantage, and a goofy ultimate only a mother could love. She is incredible in this deck.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion
Chandra's #1 bestie. Elspeth controls the board and makes it so that we can take over. Her abilities play very well with the rest of the deck.
Anger of the Gods
Our early stabilizer, this card deals with dorks, Voice of Resurgence, and mono red very efficiently.
Assemble the Legion
A win condition. Impossible for control to really deal with, this ends the game in a blink of an eye.
Chained to the Rocks
Big creature removal. This is also very effective as a permanent removal spell against non-GW decks.
Hammer of Purphoros
Silver bullet against control, the addition of haste helps the card's namesake get in there earlier and faster. The golems late game give us reach vs. control.
Magma Jet
No explanation needed, very solid removal spell with Scry 2 attached.
Mizzium Mortars
Kills Loxodon Smiter and others in a very versatile card. Overloading this will often win the game.
Warleader's Helix
Lifegain and burn, what more can you want?
Concession to hyper-fast decks, wish this could be Pillar of Flame. Also helps to deal with T1 mana dorks.
Sometimes you just need a man-land, and Mutavault delivers that.
The sideboard still needs a lot of tweaking, but it's a rough idea.
I would appreciate any and all feedback!