Palladia-Mors Counters-More!

Commander / EDH* boyle4


Playtested —April 12, 2014

Played with a proxy of this deck, and turn 15 I had Palladia-Morsfoil at 67/67, with Nemesis of Mortals at 25/25 and Akroma's Memorial, Doubling Season, and Primal Vigor on the field. Seems like it has come together quite well, and I've been steam rolling forward. Won on Commander Damage

Next game, Kalonian Hydra, Hamletback Goliath, Acidic Slime, and Scute Mob all we high damage, capping at Kalonian Hydra's 64/64. Akroma's Memorial came in to protect again, and after then the game was over, all by round 12. The heavy damage that stacked over whelmed opponents perfectly. Luck of the draw? Probably, but still overall was a good couple of rounds.

Next step... Gather the forces.

MikeyboyFTW says... #1

I find that 35 mana might be cutting it short because you have a lot of higher costing cards. Mana ramps like Kodama's Reach and Cultivate would be good things to add into your deck. Also Boundless Realms is a great way to basically double the number of lands you control: this would also work beautifully with Garruk, Primal Hunter

Another card I would suggest is Genesis Wave , the more mana you have, the better it's effect. So if you have Upwelling pooling a ton of mana or if you have tons of land from using Boundless Realms then you can basically play any permanent for free.

Pretty good looking deck otherwise :)

April 10, 2014 10:04 a.m.

Kozelek says... #2

Sunpetal Grove and Rootbound Crag are 2 cheep (under $5) Clifftop Retreat is about $5 lands you need as well are Temple of the False God (also cheep) Mountain Valley and Grasslands let you get out your dual lands (if you had any) so I'd get those lands and ditch the Rith's Grove ,Selesnya Sanctuary ,Gruul Turf ,Boros Garrison and the Naya Panorama for starters that will help your mana flow/speed up your deck a bit

April 10, 2014 1:34 p.m.