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abbaIke's Deck 2019

Modern Jank Mono-Blue Tribal



The goal of this deck is to use Quest for Ula's Temple to get out strong leviathons and krackens.

Turn 1: play Quest for Ula's Temple Turn 2: Play Omen Speaker if you can't play Fog Bank Turn 3: if you can get 3 counters on Ula's temple, do so(you can do this via Clockspinning or Steady Progress). If you can't do anything save your mana for counters. Turn 4: same as turn 3. Turn 5: you should be able to use Quest for Ula's Temple, if not you either got unlucky or your playing this deck wrong. Stormtide Leviathan is one of the best cards to play as it can prevent your opponents form attacking you.

Notes: Always play instants like Opt and Steady Progress on your oppent's endstep to make sure you can always counter any spells they might play that you need to counter.

This is a deck I accually owned.

This deck is based off of abbatromebone'sDeep Sea tribal deck.


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Apperently Fumble isn't modern legal ... so I removed it from my side board leaving me with 14 cards


95% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 5 Rares

6 - 4 Uncommons

17 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.22
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Energy Reserve
Folders abbaIke's decks, death from below
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