Roon Blink

Commander / EDH BuzzKi11


Small mana updgrades —Jan. 17, 2018

Seaside Citadel
Temple of Mystery

Flooded Strand
Windswept Heath

TaegukTheWise says... #1

Fabricate and Enlightened Tutor are actually part of my recommendations list, they're typically used to get Minion Reflector, Ashnod's Altar or Birthing Pod so they get an A+ (at least in my deck). Wargate takes 7 mana to get Birthing Pod, by the time you use wargate and get pod, everyone at the table is bound to have at least one answer for it. Whereas Fabricate can get it to you by turn 4, and Enlightened Tutor can get it to you for your turn 2 draw, where wargate allows you to use it on turn 8 after you untap if you played it on curve without sol ring (this is assuming you get to untap with birthing pod still in play), and depending on whether or not everyone has used their answers to kill your pod or not will help determine its usefulness.

I can very much appreciate the sentiment for Rite of Replication, Its a very good card, but in a Roon deck it just takes the place of a value creature, this type of deck also can't support it very well. Remember that I am just recommending these cards and what to swap, by any means these are just ways to increase your decks power from a 'mid-max' stand point (AKA making the deck as efficient as possible). If you feel very strongly about certain cards feel free to tell me I'm wrong. If a specific strategy works (at least for your current meta) then keep the strategy that you can work and win with. Magic is a game about self expression, express yourself any way you want to, even if the cards are sub optimal (and by no means does that make you a bad player), or if the way you want to play is the most optimal way you can play Magic (and this does not make you a good player).

Blood Moon and Back to Basics aren't part of my meta either, so my argument for them isn't just to play around them. To some that looks very sub optimal, people like to jam in a load of non-basics in a blood moonless meta and that's fine (but expensive). My Roon deck has a hyper ramp sub theme, I can get my top threats out faster than my opponents can answer them, with the addition that I don't run into "I can't play this card right now". It also thins my deck when I keep bouncing cards like Farhaven Elf, so I keep drawing cards of value instead of lands when I need a counterspell for defense, a removal spell, or a blocker. Strip Mine and cards like it are also terrible to use against my deck because no one wants to blow up my basics, and its wasted on my already useless fixing (since I have so many basics at that point). It also keeps the deck cheap and easy to make, so I'm not nearly as invested financially into my deck as some other people while keeping my deck just as powerful. Signets are also not part of my list since I can get whatever colors I need as long as I have green mana.

I don't run a single board wipe, and I face a Krenko, Mob Boss deck in my meta. Trust me, any and all board wipes hurt you just as much as the Krenko player. It can be so back breaking that you basically have to scoop, that's why I tell you not to play them in Roon, if anything play another counterspell in its place. If there were cheap one-sided board wipes (4 or less) I would say play them, but any wipe in Magic's history isn't that busted.

There is an option to click on a profile and see where that person recently commented, There is one quite recently where I detailed possible builds for Roon and which directions you can take him in to help point you into a direction (if you need it that is).

November 23, 2017 3:24 a.m.

TaegukTheWise says... #2

I think I found a board wipe for this deck. Take a look at Ixidron for a quick second, no need to tell me what you think about it, I just figured I would mention it since someone posted it in my comments section. If anything just Proxy it over an existing card if you don't have one, just not a finisher, but a really niche card for now. Whether or not you pick up the card is totally up to you like all of my other suggestions, (even though its not apparent and that I ignorantly push for them).

I have originally said that no board wipe wasn't that busted in magic, well it turns out I was wrong. Even though it doesn't take care of tokens or a large mass of creatures, it does turn them into vanilla bears. (I don't think ixidron is classified as a true board wipe at that rate) I think the single target removal in Duplicant and Fiend Hunter is enough to support what ixidron can't do. You can even flip back your flipped creatures with a flicker or bounce ability, so if anything it's pretty one sided towards a Roon/flicker player that hasn't flipped their blinker.

December 6, 2017 12:17 a.m.

TaegukTheWise says... #3

You could take out one of the draw creatures with low CMC like Wall of Blossoms or Elvish Visionary, Azor, the Lawbringer is a Sphinx's Revelation on a stick so it can maybe replace a draw creature, you could also try taking out Stonehorn Dignitary depending on how much your opponents rely on combat. The other thing to note is that Azor is rather color restrictive. You can play him but you would need enough reliable mana to do so (this is a probable downside). But the upside is that it lowers your opponents interaction whilst being good when you don't need to blink him, so he's actually really good to put in. Its a tough call, but if you really wanted to use Azor take out wall or visionary as my recommendation but if you're not willing to take those two out I would say Armada Wurm due to it being just as restrictive in cost but with no other benefit except tokens. If you take out wall or visionary it will lower your amount of 2 drops for birthing pod but raises the ceiling, so that's also another thing to consider when thinking of what to take out.

January 16, 2018 12:34 a.m.