The goal of this deck is to use the madness mechanic to overwhelm the board with unblockable, growing Vampires and win before the opponent can respond. I need some help with the sideboard, specifically what should be subbed in and out in different scenarios. Thanks!
Discard Engines
Smuggler's Copter: also a good flyer in general
Ravenous Bloodseeker: a decent two-drop creature, with the ability to change power and toughness at any time by discarding
Stromkirk Condemned: anthem effect upon discarding, on par for mana
Madness Spells
Bloodhall Priest: a hellbent card that can end a game quickly
Fiery Temper: a madness Thunder Bolt
Incorrigible Youths: the bread-and-butter of this deck; a 4/3 with haste for 3 is hard to beat!
Other Permanents
Falkenrath Gorger: good body for 1, gives all my vampires madness. Also attracts kill spells, for some reason
Stromkirk Captain: immediate anthem effect and gives my vampires first strike. Can quickly turn a game in my favor
Stromkirk Noble: good 1 drop, with niche evasion. Fits in the deck nicely.
Rain of Gore: an attempt to beat the opponent's sideboard, as they'll inevitably try to make the game long or gain more life in a match
Spiteful Visions: a response to draw-mill decks. Would also help me refuel my hand.
Vampire Hexmage: conditional answer to decks that deal with counters