Modern GR

Modern* chapin316


RamblinMan says... #1

February 11, 2016 9:12 p.m.

chapin316 says... #2

But Atarkas command doesn't destroy artifacts or enchantments? And forked bolt is interesting, I only wish it was an instant. Definitly will take that into consideration. Any reason behind the AC suggestion? Thanks for looking!

February 11, 2016 10:01 p.m.

HSF117 says... #3

chapin316: Destructive Revelry is a dead card unless it has a target. Atarka's Command has 4 different modes so it is very useful in most situations. As a burn deck, lifegain is your worst enemy so Atarka's Command and Skullcrack are great cards.

February 13, 2016 7:07 p.m.

chapin316 says... #4

153 views and 3 comments? Come on guys I need more suggestions. This deck goes live in a few weeks and I want to win!

February 14, 2016 9:49 p.m.

HSF117 says... #5

Replace Shivan Oasis with Rootbound Crag. It lets you have an opportunity to have the land enter untapped whereas with the Oasis you are forced to have it enter tapped. Drop Thornling and Torchling for earlier played creatures such as Vexing Devil, Goblin Guide, Hellspark Elemental, or Spark Elemental. Running only 18 lands means you're likely never going to find 5 lands in any given game and if you are then you will already be pretty far behind on the board. Also, if you spend a whole turn playing a 5-drop creature just for it to be destroyed or exiled means you have wasted an entire turn which burn cannot do. Drop Chandra Ablaze, Heartbeat of Spring, and Rites of Flourishing for any combination of the cards I have mentioned as well as Atarka's Command. Chandra and the enchantments are in the same category as the large creatures, they are too slow and lifegain would be a real problem for you so you need to deal with that as best you can. Also drop Pyrohemia from the board and replace it with the 4 Destructive Revelry from the main. Or if you are looking for a sweeper I would suggest either Anger of the Gods or Slagstorm. These are all things that I would do if I had the deck. I don't know what your play style is like so these are suggestions from my viewpoint.

February 14, 2016 10:55 p.m.

HSF117 says... #6

Also you could replace 4x Reflecting Pool with 4x Wooded Foothills and instead of Rootbound Crag, replace Shivan Oasis with Cinder Glade because it is fetchable with the foothills. You wouldn't get the ability because you don't run any basics so Rootbound Crag is probably better in your deck but I would still suggest Wooded Foothills. Reflecting Pool is great but there can be awkward times when it's the only land you draw and then you have no ability to produce mana.

February 16, 2016 9:33 a.m. Edited.

HSF117 says... #7

chapin316: I never liked playing Browbeat because it gives my opponent a choice and they are always going to choose the option that you want less, which is why I don't really play Vexing Devil anymore. And I think you'll see Leyline of Sanctity before you see Ivory Mask.

February 16, 2016 3:38 p.m.

gneithamer1 says... #8

Pyromania is not legal in modern.

February 20, 2016 5:42 p.m.

chapin316 says... #9

It's not? It's from planar chaos and its in the modern legal set list.

February 20, 2016 5:49 p.m.

HSF117 says... #10

Pyrohemia is from Planar Chaos. Pyromania is from Torment. You have Pyromania in your sideboard.

February 20, 2016 5:59 p.m.

chapin316 says... #11

Sorry guys simple case of autocorrect. I fixed everything and the deck list reflects my current deck. Please keep the advice coming.

February 20, 2016 7:12 p.m.

chapin316 says... #12

user:HSF117: I dunno I like browbeat because I feel like it's either take 5 (yay!) or I draw 3 (yay!) and I know I will see Leyline before Ivory Mask that was the first hexproof enchantment I could think of lol. Vexing devil is still interesting and I'm still considering adding one hit creatures, but then becomes the problem of what do I block with. I decided to go River Boa because I feel they willHelp me live longer since they regenerate, and if a create flys they can get burned. Do you have any small green creature suggestions that could help me live longer?

February 20, 2016 7:50 p.m.

chapin316 says... #13

Almost a week and no comments, c-mom guys keep the help coming!

February 26, 2016 3:49 p.m.

I will vouch for the awesomeness of Atarka's Command. It is fantastic. Turn two, Play your land for turn, hit them with the command, they take three (win), you play another land (win), then lightning bolt their face (win).

Win, win, and more win. Every time.

Take out river boa for Lava Spike. Eidolon of the Great Revel should replace both torchling and thornling.

Rift Bolt is also great. Destructive Revelry needs to go in your sideboard, you will regret running that main the moment you draw it. Also Monastery Swiftspear is a great creature for burn.

February 27, 2016 5:32 p.m.

chapin316 says... #15

demonicgrizzly so you like Atarka's Command too huh? I can see its appeal with the ability to smack an opponent for 3 AND get a turn ahead with a land drop. I could probably squeeze one in by ditching Rites of flourishing but it feels like a 3 or 4 card. Lava spike is good but I like my other burns and think the 3 damage/1CC at sorcery speed isint worth it. Eidolon is confusing because I have multiple spells that cost under 3, so I would be doing myself more damage than my opponent. Plus if I saw an opponent drop it turn 2 and watch him start burning me I would probably laugh and let the creature live. Rift bolt is good but again at sorcery speed I prefer my own burns. I have to disagree with Destructive Reverly getting booted to the SB, why would I play a deck that allows any and all artifacts or enchantments to remain in play? The whole point of splashing green is to deal with them, otherwise I would just play Red. Also there are many artifacts running around my tournament scene and without them it would be auto loss. Monastery Swiftspear is a pretty good creature especially in a burn deck so I will consider that. Thanks for the advice, keep helping.

February 27, 2016 9:41 p.m.

HSF117 says... #16

Actually... the biggest reason for splashing green is Atarka's Command because it is just better than Skullcrack overall, it just so happens that Destructive Revelry is also G/R but I didn't know that your personal meta has plenty of enchantments and artifacts so I can understand now why it would be better for you to main it. Also Eidolon of the Great Revel is really good. Yeah it may hurt you as well but you don't care about your own life total. The opponent's life total is the only one that really matters. Yours only matters when it hits 0.

February 27, 2016 9:56 p.m.

Also there's a reason Rift Bolt is a burn staple. You will never cast it for three mana, you will always, and I mean always, suspend it for one mana. It doesn't matter that it's sorcery speed. It's just burn, to the face. That all it is for.

A good burn deck wants to do direct damage as fast as possible, and doesn't really care about anuthing else. The game should be over well before your opponent can establish any real board presence anyway. Burn has one goal - direct damege to your opponents, as fast as humanly possible. The game should be over very, very quickly.

I would suggest to also splash white for Boros Charm and Lightning Helix. naya burn(red, white, green) is super powerful and affords lots of sideboard options.

February 28, 2016 12:43 a.m.

Also. You might as well play Shock over seal of fire.

February 28, 2016 12:45 a.m.

chapin316 says... #19

After looking over Atarka's command I think that it would be a good idea to put 4 in as it is a burn and it can help speed my deck up (those are the two options I see myself using the most with the third one being the life gain one. The trick is using it to prevent the life gain since I doubt I can cast AC as they are gaining their life and say "as an instant nope you don't gain any" which means I will have to predict what turn they are gunna go off and use it then). Rift bolt is good too and I think I will add 4, the only thing I don't like about it is when it resolves during your upkeep you have to pick a target so if there are no creatures in play your opponent is getting smacked with it. On the plus side while its exiled it may cause my opponent to think twice about casting a low toughness creature in fear of losing it before they can use it. Yes the destructive reverly is important, especially since I have seen just recently artifact pump and a lantern of insight mill deck that was nasty. Adding white is an interesting idea too, i like the thought of being able to add Leyline of sanctity and I'm sure there are other good white cards that could help.

February 29, 2016 11:56 a.m.

chapin316 says... #20

demonicgrizzly why do you like shock over seal of fire? Yes it has more of a surprise factor being an instant but seal sits on the board until needed dodging hand destruction and if I'm using an ensnaring bridge it's one less card I have to hold. Just curious about your views.

February 29, 2016 noon

I like shock over seal because your opponent can destroy the seal in response to the sacrifice ability going on the stack and you won't deal them any damage if they destroy it before the sacrifice ability resolves.

Also converting your comment about rift bolt you really only want to target a creature if you need to, because burn doesn't care about creatures. You want rift bolt to their face. Scenario:

Turn one you suspend rift bolt. Your opponent plays a land on their turn, your turn two the rift bolt hits them to the face and you follow with with a lightning bolt and a lava spike. They are at 11 health already on turn two. And all they did was play a land and pass their turn

February 29, 2016 4:53 p.m.

chapin316 says... #22

demonicgrizzly that's strange, I've been playing magic for 17 years and I've never had anyone respond to me sacing a seal of fire by destroying it. I've responded to someone trying to destroy my seal of fire by using it which I like. Also the scenario with rift bolt sounds good and makes me like it more so I've already ordered 4 and will hopefully have them by the 8th. Keep the help coming!

March 1, 2016 5:38 a.m.

HSF117 says... #23

demonicgrizzly: Rule 112.7a reads as follows:

"Once activated or triggered, an ability exists on the stack independently of its source. Destruction or removal of the source after that time won't affect the ability. Note that some abilities cause a source to do something (for example, "Prodigal Pyromancer deals 1 damage to target creature or player") rather than the ability doing anything directly. In these cases, any activated or triggered ability that references information about the source because the effect needs to be divided checks that information when the ability is put onto the stack. Otherwise, it will check that information when it resolves. In both instances, if the source is no longer in the zone it's expected to be in at that time, its last known information is used. The source can still perform the action even though it no longer exists."

The damage still takes places. Plus the opponent can't destroy the seal in response to the sacrifice because that is a cost. The ability is the 2 damage that it deals.

March 1, 2016 6:44 a.m.

chapin316 says... #24

So I'm comfused. If your worry is that they will kill it in response to me sacrificing the deal but you just told me it cannot be destroyed in response to me sacrificing it how exactly do they destroy it while it's in play without taking 2?

March 1, 2016 10:47 a.m.

HSF117 says... #25

chapin316: Your opponent cannot destroy the enchantment in response to you sacrificing it. The damage takes place per rule 112.7a as I have stated.

March 1, 2016 11:03 a.m.

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