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A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste





-2x Lavaclaw Reaches+1x Blackcleave cliffs, +1 Graven Cairns- 1 Swamp, +1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth -4x Pack Rat +4x Smallpox-4x Delirium Skeins +4x Wrench Mind


Hello and welcome to my latest brew! I'm super excited for M15 and since Waste Not was decided to be a thing I've been trying to find a way to make the most of this! I've come up with a few decks and so far this is the one I find the strongest and by far the most fun to play!

You will like this deck if:

You are a fan of discard.

You like feeling lucky.

You enjoy piloting decks that are deceptively easy.

You love oppressing your opponent until they concede.

You will not like this deck if:

You like counterspells.

You like having a big hand.

You hate mulligan-ing.

You want one big irremovable creature.

Two colours are just not enough for you.


I love disruption, that's why Black is one of my favourite colours in magic. Just the way it takes everything from your opponent before they even get a chance to think about casting it - geez it's a great feeling. This deck wants to capatalize on this effect quickly and deliberatingly. As your opponents hand grows smaller your board state and power grow exponentially. Lets examine what happens if you manage to play a pretty easy hand;

Turn One: Blood Crypt, Exile Simian Spirit Guide = Waste Not

Turn Two: Tap Blood Crypt, Burning Inquiry.Then you metaphorically (or literally) roll the dice. This early in the game you actually will prefer getting them to discard lands or non-creature cards to get back the advantage you might of lost by inadvertently wrecking your hand. If they discard a land and you have a land/Spirit Guide with one of the six 3 mana discard spells you can do the whole thing over again. Or else you can use the BB to cast one of your other two mana spells. Insane am I right?

Card Choices:

Waste Not: The decks key player, though not necessarily needed to win. It would be nice if its in every opening hand, but if you have enough disruption or another threat you may go on without it.

Lillianas Caress: Functions as Waste Not 5-6, as in that gives your disruption spells an extra kick. Works amazingly with Burning Inquiry, as that card does not care how many cards your opponent has in their hand. Best of all its two mana in black, so if they discard a land it is a free play.

Burning Inquiry: Man what a card. Randomizes the game quite a bit, which is why I recommend using it only with Waste Not or another threat on the field. If your opponent has mulliganed down to five, it is also an exceedingly cruel turn one play.

Delirium Skiens: A controlled Burning Inquiry without the draw. The downside is obvious where your opponent is allowed to make a decision on what they discard, but with Waste Not all decisions are bad decisions. Aim to toss your flashback/unearth cards into the graveyard first but I feel as if thats not big news.

Blightning: I am a big fan of this card, though here it only functions as Delirium Skeins 5-6. Only advantage it has over DS is that it can win the game through burn, and with Caress on the field it does 7 damage and not 6.

Pack Rats: Amazing card. Due to our low curve we have little problem dedicating cards to this creature. If your opponent discards a land with Waste Not he will come out for free. Also he benefits from a bad burning inquiry that wrecks your hand, as he doesnt care what you discard. Dont forget he grows with Rotting Rats on the field.

Rotting Rats: Discard and a creature! I tend to compare them to their wonderful cousin Ravenous Rats, but the unearth ability really does make up for having to drop a card. It Cycles with Waste Not on the field, and attacks/chumps with impunity.

Simian Spirit Guide: Man I feel like this guy might get banned hard one day, but until he does hes ours to play with! All he does is speed-speed-speed up your game. Turn one Waste Not, Turn two Delirium Skeins/Blood Moon. All fun stuff! Also dont forget you can exile one to cast our kill spells!

Dismember: Best kill spell in black. You might be paying a lot of life for it at times but it will kill most modern creatures so thats big!

Lightning Bolt: I dont have to explain.

Sign in Blood: Fantastic to get some cards back after Delirium or Inquiry. With Waste Not on the field it is a free card sometimes!

Faithless Looting: Fix your hand, cast from the graveyard, what fun! Nothing to explosive here, just useful at all points to adjust your strategy or hand.


Blood Moon: Destroys greedy mana bases, and forces your opponent to play around it. It can even come out turn one or two if you are incredibly lucky.

Leyline of the Void: If they need their graveyard, this will get rid of it. This prevents us from inadvertently helping Dredge decks, or Gifts Ungiven.

Rakdos Charm: Jack of all trades to fix your match up. Hits three important things; exiles graveyards, destroys artifacts, and burns swarm decks. Careful against Twin, blowing them up if they make too many tokens happens only once, after that they will try to take you out in multiple turns.

Shatterstorm: Affinity will throw their hands away in response to us. This punishes them for it.

Surgical Extraction: With all that discard, might as well get rid of important topdecks that could hurt us; Abrupt Decay or Maelstorm Pulse come to mind.

So far thats it for this deck, if you have comments or criticisms feel free to post and tell me all about it!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 11 Rares

13 - 4 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.92
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Modern
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