Transguild Courier

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Transguild Courier

Artifact Creature — Golem

Transguild Courier is all colours (even if this card isn't on the battlefield).

legendofa on Natural order, Etali, primal

1 year ago

Etali, Primal Conqueror  Flip only exists as its front face while in the library, and that is a red card with a green activated ability, not a green or red-green card. Natural Order will not be able to find it, since a card's color (different from color identity) is determined entirely by the mana cost. The few exceptions, like Transguild Courier, specifically spell out their color characteristics.

MTGBurgeoning on Jenson Carthalion WUBRG Tribal

2 years ago

I had not considered General Ferrous Rokiric! He would be an awesome addition to this deck. I have a copy of him in a flavorful Guilds-matter 5-color deck helmed by Niv-Mizzet Reborn. Every spell in that deck is two colors, and he is ridiculously strong when in play. A definite consideration here! I know that Fusion Elemental is only a five-color 8/8, but, still, it's an 8/8. Horde of Notions offers very little other than its 5/5 trampling, vigilant and hasty body. Niv-Mizzet Reborn is a candidate for replacement as its ETB trigger offers very little value here. Even so, it's still a 6/6 with flying. Fusion Elemental may be the creature to be replaced by General Ferrous Rokiric. Evasion reigns supreme! At first, I did consider Transguild Courier and Sphinx of the Guildpact, but decided against it because they do not offer anything other than their five-color color identities. If the creature list is left unchanged after the aforementioned swap, how would you wedge Transguild Courier and Sphinx of the Guildpact into the 99?

wallisface on Door to TRON

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

legendofa on Jenson Carthalion WUBRG Tribal

2 years ago

Any thoughts on Transguild Courier or Sphinx of the Guildpact as flexible 5-color creatures, or General Ferrous Rokiric as a source of bodies?

The Courier is mostly notable for being a relatively cheap and easy to cast 5-color creatures, Sphinx is more expensive but much more resilient, and the General has the same protection as the Sphinx and would churn out Golems here.

dragonstryke58 on Is there a difference between …

2 years ago

Color Identity is determined by all colors in a card's mana cost, color indicators, characteristic-defining abilities, and mana symbols in its rules text (minus reminder text).

Transguild Courier has a characteristic-defining ability which sets its color to all colors therefore it has a color identity of all five colors. Because it has a five-color color identity, it cannot be used in a colorless deck.

Fallaji Wayfarer is different in that its characteristic-defining ability makes it not affect color identity. So even though its CDA makes it all colors, the CDA also sets its color identity as only green. Therefore you can play it in a mono-green deck

MTG Comprehensive Rules:

903.4. The Commander variant uses color identity to determine what cards can be in a deck with a certain commander. The color identity of a card is the color or colors of any mana symbols in that card’s mana cost or rules text, plus any colors defined by its characteristic-defining abilities (see rule 604.3) or color indicator (see rule 204).

Niko9 on

3 years ago

drwombat Glad it helped : ) I got excited about Ramos when I saw Sword of Hours Like, wait a sec...does it? does!

But again, I don't know a ton from experience. I imagine it's a balancing act having colors of spells for Ramos' ability. I even saw someone else running Transguild Courier to hit all colors for Ramos.

Good luck with the deck! And I totally hear you about keeping tribal dragons. Dragons have always and will always be cool.

Caerwyn on Color Identity Question

3 years ago

In the future, please use the Rules Q&A section of this site when you have questions about rules, cards, and card interactions. That section has some special functionalities, including the ability to "mark as answer" a thread to indicate your question has been resolved. I have gone ahead and moved the thread for you.

To answer your question itself, Color Identity includes all mana symbols on a card (excluding in reminder text), any color indicator on the card (the blue circle next to Sorcery indicating Ancestral Vision is a Blue card, for example), and any characteristic-defining ability that defines colors (such as Transguild Courier ).

You cannot include Brutal Hordechief in a Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper Commander deck. Hordechief's color identity is --the Black comes from the colors in its mana cost; the Red and White comes from the pips in its activated ability.

Color Identity is different from the card's color in this respect--Hordechief is mono-black in terms of its color; but it is Mardu in terms of its color identity.

griffstick on LIfelink and prevention

3 years ago

In edh your cmdr has a "color identity" these colors are found in its casting cost and its text box. So for instance Yasova Dragonclaw is to cast but has both in its text box so its color identity is .

You can not use cards with other colors on them outside of the cmdrs color identity including hybrid mana such as Shield of the Oversoul .

You are aloud to use cards that say the color outside of your identity like fetch lands and things like Desecrated Tomb but don't show the color. Bye show I mean the mana symbol or or

You can not run cards that are colorless but say on them that they are all colors like Transguild Courier . Cards like this are only aloud in 5 color decks.

Cards like Witness the End that have devoid to make them have no color are not aloud in a deck with a cmdr that does not contain in it's identity

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