Roaring Primadox

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Roaring Primadox

Creature — Beast

At the beginning of your upkeep, return a creature you control to its owner's hand.

Cheiromancer on Counters Party Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

2 years ago

You have enough ETB creatures that Roaring Primadox might be worth trying. Imagine a bouncing Pollenbright Druid!

Arthurshepard80 on Three Life Blink Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

3 years ago

Saccox interessante,le ultime due carte verde nero non le conoscevo.Comunque Banishing Light mi ricorda Oubliette bellissima carta di Arabian night.Secondo me potresti tagliare Roaring Primadox e togliere Kor Skyfisher

RainbowWizz on A Song of Turns and Dongers (cEDH)

4 years ago

Oh! Also Roaring Primadox in addition to bouncing E-Witness, can bounce Snapcaster Mage because it doesn’t specify a creature color. Bouncing Snappy isn’t infinite but it still lets you double cast all of your Time Walk effects.

ANoyola on

5 years ago

I love the tech! I'm trying to build something like this, I didn't think of Temur Sabertooth , Equilibrium and the Roaring Primadox for bounce!

Have you considered Muraganda Petroglyphs as a buff for the facedowns? I'm adding Triumph of the Hordes to mine.

I'm also considering The Great Henge and Garruk's Packleader

ANoyola on Kadena Surprise

5 years ago

I love the tech! I'm trying to build something like this, I didn't think of Temur Sabertooth , Equilibrium and the Roaring Primadox for bounce!

Have you considered Muraganda Petroglyphs as a buff for the facedowns? I'm adding Triumph of the Hordes to mine.

Gody322 on An-Ayula-tion

5 years ago

I don't know if this is a good suggestion but maybe Savage Swipe . You definitely have enough 2 power creatures. Although I wouldn't recommend just playing a Prey Upon so I don't know. I do think however that Temur Sabertooth would be good for sure. It's not a bear but it could let you easily bounce your cheap (2 mana) bears back to your hand to get extra ETB effects. Decoction Module , Roaring Primadox , Stampeding Serow , Stampeding Wildebeests and Ambush Krotiq all have a similar effect but I don't think they are all worth playing. I also think that maybe Conjurer's Closet or Mimic Vat could be good additions. I think since bears aren't a supper strong tribe by them self your best bet is to maximize the ETB effects. (Which seems to be what you're doing.) I would say you could take out a few of the 2 mana 2/2s just because they don't do too too much and you seem to have a lot of them but I don't know. Like you said there aren't too many bears. Anyways I hope this is helpful. :)

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