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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Pact of the Titan
Create a 4/4 red Giant creature token.
At the beginning of your next upkeep, pay . If you don't, you lose the game.

![Slaughter Pact feature for [LTMD] TSR Draft #2](http://static.tappedout.net/mtg-cards-2/future-sight/slaughter-pact/slaughter-pact-cropped.jpg)

steveoowns on
Mono Red Legacy
8 months ago
Okay, so the infect is practically gone from this deck, and with it go most the artifacts that can't be used for the red free spells. I sill have the Inkmoths because I think they're good for my turn 2 consistency with the built in evasion, but Pact of the Titan giving me the 4/4 for free should step things up a bit, and the 4/4 body made me look back to the comment klone13 to go for a bigger shoal bonus, and taking the biggest one I could find in Volcanic Salvo puts me in a position where if I'm on the draw the 4/4 titan can swing pretty reasonably for 20 outright. Another newer haste enabler in Samut's Sprint was added to help with hopefully getting it off the ground since infect is now more of an alt wincon. Pulled Red Elemental Blast out of the sideboard since the deck cant afford the mana opting for Pact of Negation instead, I can't pay the cost but if the deck is working right, even if I have to delay a turn, I shouldn't be worried about having to pay the cost, either I win when I'm playing the cards or I have already lost.
TristanTaylorsVoice on
8 Whack 2024
1 year ago
I think Pact of the Titan is seriously slept on in this deck, Battle Cry Goblin doesn't turn it on but the other 8 whack effects do. Back when this deck ran Burning-Tree Emissary Pact could enable some crazy turn 2 kills, or my favorite would be to bolt your opponent in response to your own pact triggers.
I would also recommend cutting Manamorphose, Orcish Bowmasters is pretty punishing as is so there's no need to enable extra triggers
wheels47 on
Can't Lose
2 years ago
wallisface I agree that finding Madcap Experiment is a concern. I've recently been experimenting with dropping the other creatures and adding Indomitable Creativity, which has been promising, but not necessarily the strict upgrade I thought it would be yet. But I don't think I have my creature or artifact token generators quite right yet. I'm using Pact of the Titan, which has just not been good.
I think the comparison to Indomitable Creativity (the deck) is an interesting one, but I think the important difference is that this deck is much more of a combo deck than Indomitable Creativity is. The angel payoff is arguably higher than the archon's, but the archon doesn't immediately lose you the game when it leaves play. Maybe more card draw would help me draw into more protection for the angel, but I don't think more early-game interaction is the way to go.
McToters on
[PRIMER] No One Ever Suspects the Hippo...
2 years ago
Ha! No worries and glad to plant the seeds of intrigue with Hive Mind (my bad on misreading your list, I thought you had that and Suture Priest in your brew already). Also, agreed that Herd is high CMC. I ran a more jankier version of Pheldy.
One amazing combo with Hive Mind, since spells have to be copied is Pact of Negation or Pact of the Titan (or any of the Pacts really) when your opponents don't have the right colors to pay the cost during their upkeep they lose the game! I run the combo in my Izzet brew. It's spicy.
Gidgetimer on Panoptic Mirror and spells with …
3 years ago
Yes, you can. They are both instants or sorceries with CMC 0. As a reminder, paying or losing on your next upkeep is part of the resolution of Pact of the Titan. So you will not be able to dodge it with Panoptic Mirror.
hiddengibbons on Panoptic Mirror and spells with …
3 years ago
Is it possible to imprint Pact of the Titan or Profane Tutor on Panoptic Mirror? Why or why not?
HeavyPlay on
Gideon Turns (It Up)
3 years ago
After minimal playtesting I'm finding this deck preforms best with a creature + 2 lands in starting hand and really needs a way to filter/draw cards.
I've made the following swaps to help make the deck more consistent:
- 4 Dragon's Rage Channeler - top deck filtering every time you play an extra turn or pact is very imPACTful you could say...
- 2 Gideon Blackblade
- 2 Glorious End - May adjust this, but 9 extra turn spells seems pretty reliable still.
- 1 Pact of the Titan
- 1 Giver of Runes - Protection/giving unblockable is nice but DRC is better
joschang01 on
Modern Belcher (Updated for MH3)
3 years ago
It’s pretty confusing, but it is a “Doomsday” combo that can be set up in Turn 3 and start/kill Turn 4.
Turn 3: Cast Recross the Paths, as the card resolves you reveal your entire library to show there are no lands. Since the card says “…put the rest of the cards on the bottom of your library in any order…”, you get to order the deck to:
- Turntimber Symbiosis Flip
- Reforge the Soul
- Pact of Negation (if you want, just helps protect the combo)
- Shatterskull Smashing Flip
- Pact of the Titan
- Infernal Plunge
- Pyromancer Ascension
- Manamorphose
- Manamorphose
- Manamorphose
- Manamorphose (yes 4 lol)
- Bala Ged Recovery Flip
- Desperate Ritual
- Desperate Ritual
- Bala Ged Recovery Flip
- Whatever you want (Goblin Charbelcher, Spikefield Hazard Flip, Fury, Force of Vigor, etc. etc.)
After stacking your deck, you clash with your opponents and reveal Turntimber Symbiosis Flip, put it on the bottom of your library, and put Recross the Paths back into your hand.
Turn 4:
In your draw step, draw and reveal Reforge the Soul to trigger miracle and cast it. Draw:
- Pact of Negation
- Shatterskull Smashing Flip
- Pact of the Titan
- Infernal Plunge
- Pyromancer Ascension
- Manamorphose x 2
Now we should have one untapped land, follow the steps below:
- Play Shatterskull, the Hammer Pass Flip untapped
- Cast Pact of the Titan
- Cast Infernal Plunge, sacrificing the 4/4 Giant; 3 Red floating, 1 lands Untapped
- Cast Pyromancer Ascension; 2 Red Floating
- Cast Manamorphose, add 1 Red and 1 Green, draw the third Manamorphose; 1 Red 1 Green floating
- Cast second Manamorphose, trigger Pyromancer Ascension, put 1 counter on it, add 1 Red 1 Green, draw the fourth Manamorphose; 1 Red 1 Green floating
- Cast third Manamorphose, trigger Pyromancer Ascension, put the second counter on it, add 1 Red 1 Green, draw Bala Ged Recovery Flip; 1 Red 1 Green floating
Cast fourth Manamorphose, trigger Pyromancer Ascension, resolve Pyromancer Ascension and put a copy on the stack
- First Manamorphose resolves, add 1 Red 1 Green, draw Desperate Ritual
- Second Manamorphose resolves, add 1 Red 1 Green, draw second Desperate Ritual
2 Red 2 Green floating
Cast Desperate Ritual, trigger Pyromancer Ascension, resolve Pyromancer Ascension and put a copy on the stack, resolve both 6 Red 2 Green floating
Cast Bala Ged Recovery Flip targeting Manamorphose, trigger Pyromancer Ascension, resolve Pyromancer Ascension and put a copy on the stack. The copy will target Desperate Ritual, resolve both spells 4 Red 1 Green Floating
Cast Manamorphose, trigger Pyromancer Ascension, resolve Pyromancer Ascension and put a copy on the stack
- The first will add 2 Red and draw the second Bala Ged Recovery Flip
- The second will add 2 Green and draw anything 4 Red 3 Green Floating
Cast Desperate Ritual with Splice Onto Arcane with the second Desperate Ritual, trigger Pyromancer Ascension, resolve Pyromancer Ascension and add a copy. Resolve both add 12 Red 12 Red 3 Green Floating
Cast second Bala Ged Recovery Flip targeting Desperate Ritual, trigger Pyromancer Ascension, resolve Pyromancer Ascension, make a copy targeting a Bala Ged Recovery Flip, resolve both 9 Red 2 Green Floating
Repeat step 12 to add 12 Red mana 19 Red 2 Green Floating
Cast Bala Ged Recovery Flip to return Manamorphose and Bala Ged Recovery Flip
17 Red 1 Green Floating
Cast Manamorphose, add 4 green draw 2;
15 Red 5 Green Floating
Repeat step 13, return Desperate Ritual and a Bala Ged Recovery Flip
At this point, steps 12-17 will loop and lead to an arbitrarily large amount of mana and card draw. With that you can do a bunch of wonky things including:
Classic Belcher and shoot
Instead of getting back a ritual, return evoked Furys to kill all creatures, Force of Vigors to destroy Leyline of Sanctitys or other annoying things
Create an arbitrary large amount of 4/4 Giants from recurring Pact of the Titans and give them all haste through Song-Mad Treachery Flip
Lethal amounts of pings through Spikefield Hazard Flip
Start making white mana from Manamorphose to create Angel tokens from Emeria's Call Flip and give them haste from Song-Mad Treachery Flip
For the record, I don’t play belcher, but I learned the combo after getting belched so many times haha
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (2) | ZBrannigan , xram666 |