Magmatic Force

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Magmatic Force

Creature — Elemental

At the beginning of each upkeep, Magmatic Force deals 3 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

Bookrook on Battle Hymn of the Seraphim

3 months ago

Gisela is seven mana. If your reaching seven mana reasonably, you should be able to get Magmatic Force out. Drakuseth, Maw of Flamesbecomes devastating with Gisela out.

Gleeock on Duskmourn

6 months ago

My Atla deck is one of the better punisher sluggy, red chip-dmg decks that I have seen function & turn the tables on controlly themes. I imagine this deck can effectively use some of those concepts in a different way. Some goofball cards that I love could function nicely: Chandra, Awakened Inferno & Magmatic Force would be great

Alearin on Treasure, Dwarves, and Dragon's; OH MY!

9 months ago

Hi. Thanks for the comments on my desk Magda of the Maskwood [[Guide]] Updated for MKC. I was checking your build of Magda out and saw some cards that I think might fit your build.

  1. Ingenious Artillerist - Every time one or more artifacts enter the battlefield under your control you burn everyone's faces for the number of artifacts. This seems like it would quickly get grow to a ton of damage with your damage boosting cards. If nothing else it can be a backup to Reckless Fireweaver.
  2. Spiteful Repossession - With damage boosters out this can turn being slightly behind in land to a huge windfall of treasures. If each opponent has 1 more land then you and you have one damage doubler out you would deal 2 damage to each opponent and make 6 treasure.
  3. Magmatic Force - Every upkeep, including your opponents, do 3 damage minimum to whatever you want. With your damage boosters it will often be more. Burn their face or that annoying value creature that never attacks. If you have Magmatic Galleon and/or Spiteful Banditry out you can also get so treasure for more Magda triggers.
  4. Descent into Avernus - Generates increasingly large amounts of treasure tokens for the board; however, I would say you are best positioned to use them. Besides given treasures to your opponents it is also a bit dangerous cause the damage it deals applies to you as well. If nothing else this will accelerate your games by increasing the mana available and lowering life totals.

Gleeock on Creatures that do Damage Over …

1 year ago

ImNora I have a deck that does this, very effectively: Atla with Tobasco Sauce.

Magmatic Force is great if you don't care about pips (since you are either cheatyfacing or polymorphing)

Brainstealer Dragon if you don't need it to be damage specifically.

ImNora on Creatures that do Damage Over …

1 year ago

Okay so, I'm building an alternate roster of creatures for my deck that cheats out high cost creatures. I want it to have creatures that do Damage over turns, or on spell casting, etc (like Ruric Thar, the Unbowed, Kaervek the Merciless, Magmatic Force). Any recommendations for similar indirect-damage creatures would be greatly appreciated!


dedejeihero on It's About Time

2 years ago

Bro if u play with Worldfire, I think u should also play with Obliterate and Decree of Annihilation. I win a lot just bc of these 2.

U can see my deck Thicc Jhoira.

You could be playing with extra turn cards, they are extremely decent. Also with some other bombs like Mnemonic Deluge and goodies like Wild-Magic Sorcerer and Narset, Parter of Veils.

And if u care about which cards I would take out, Thought Reflection and Magmatic Force would be my suggestion.

Gleeock on Commanders you have built in …

2 years ago

Marisi, breaker of coils enchantress (angry Naya gods). Players are regularly confused on what to remove. Usually they take out Purphuros or something that isn't as strong in the deck due to low synergy. It is assumed I need attackers all the time, but I am more likely to shell up & play enchantress than people realize... Just in a more aggressive way than most enchantresses.

Atla Palani, Nest Tender Insert eye rolls here ... BUT! Hear me out. My Atla deck is literally all damage doublers, damage triplers, or direct damage creatures. This means you see Ruric Thar, the Unbowed with Fiery Emancipation & cards that usually never see the light of day like Magmatic Force. Chandra, Awakened Inferno is hilarious with a damage doubler.

Tzefick on Kimni, Life's Reflection

4 years ago

sean360 Happy to share my thoughts and considerations.

As for why you kept it more simple. The Populate cost of 4 makes it a lot stronger when just copying good stuff at high CMC, especially ones with ETBs or easy triggers. Imagine copying a Magmatic Force at 4 mana. Normally it takes 3 CMC and a card to make a token of a creature you control. To copy any creature you often turn to Clone and their ilk.

I hesitated suggesting a Populate of 4 because the creature itself provides the token that it can populate. Most of the Populate cards synergizes off other cards making those tokens, so there's a weakness that you need one to use the other. In the case of Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage the token generation is really expensive, so it is more efficient to have another card provide the token and then the Guildmage can Populate it. Kimni is one package, and there's a danger in making that too efficient. That's why I sought other ways to make it stronger without breaking it.

Making the creature and the copy token a changeling (not linked to the Populate ability, only the on-cast) seems close to a no-cost. It definitely makes Kimni stronger in certain deck shells but in others it is meaningless - like when you just copy the best creature on board when you cast it and have little self-synergy when copying your own stuff. And the strength it draws from tribal synergy seems rather small, where it would be more beneficial to run a Commander directly from that tribe.

WotC have already made 2 Changeling token producers in; Birthing Boughs and Maskwood Nexus - the later even being an Arcane Adaptation on steroids. I think the Birthing Boughs were made cautiously because it had to account for limited play. Token generators are very powerful in limited, especially without color restriction. The Maskwood is exploring the use of changelings but at rare, so it doesn't affect limited significantly.

I doubt that making them changelings would break the card. Making the Populate at 4 is stronger than changelings and Populate at 5. At least IMO.

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