Break Open

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Break Open


Turn target face-down creature an opponent controls face up.

DeinoStinkus on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

enter image description here

Make a card that redeems Break Open.

Neotrup on Yedora the Grave Gardener and …

3 years ago

Turning them into creatures with something like Living Lands and then an opponent targeting them with Break Open would work. You could also have them change zones and return to the battlefield, such as with Ghostly Flicker .

tasteful on Worst Cards in MTG Cube

5 years ago

Hmm! Why no horsemanship or shadow? Seems like a lot of those cards are plenty more useable than, say, Break Open

nobu_the_bard on Manafest and Blink

5 years ago

Generally speaking, if it's a permanent, it will come into play. There is nothing "under" a manifest creature, the manifest tokens are merely aids to help you keep track.

If it's not a permanent, it will stay in whatever zone it used to flicker (probably exile in a case like Cloudshift ).

There's an Oracle ruling on Cloudform that reads like this: If an effect tries to return a face-down creature to the battlefield after it leaves (such as Aminatou’s second ability or Adarkar Valkyrie’s delayed triggered ability), that effect returns the card face up. If it tries to put an instant or sorcery card onto the battlefield this way, that card remains in its current zone instead.

You can see it yourself here (link to the card on Scryfall, rulings down towards the bottom).

There's a lot of other interactions to be aware of in those rulings if you have time as well. For example Break Open can't turn a non-permanent face-up.

PoorManSam on

6 years ago

I only have one question, why Break Open?

c0dy821 on A Game of 21

7 years ago

Where do I even start?

Your first mistake: You didn't run any Blue. Every Magic Player knows Blue and Black are the superior colors, which means you had a 2 outta 5 chance on picking either of them, but you did even worse, because you chose two colors, and neither of them are Black or Blue. You went from a 40% chance the first pick, to a 50% chance the second pick, and you still messed up. Absolute trash. Now we are working in sweatshop conditions and you chose to take the low road on these jank colors, so let's see if we can fix this subpar deck.

The Commander

Let's see what you got here, Tajic, Blade of the Legion... In a game of magical creatures and dragons... DRAGONS. You chose a human? To lead 99 other cards into victory? How has this made it passed the threshold of your brain? Are there any checks or balances in place? How did this leave the drawing board? And the guy is a 2/2! A 2/2 FOR FOUR MANA?! Absolute Trash. You know how much utility is usually in a Commander deck? 99 cards worth of utility. This guys indestrubability is that of a Steam Roller to an Aluminum Can. And his ability to lead the entire deck is Battalion. Have the ranks gone mad? Who put this guy in charge? That is the weakest Commander Ability I have ever seen. You know what's stronger? Isamaru, Hound of Konda and he is a vanilla 2/2, that costs 1 MANA.

Deck Construction


The problem with Commander is that there is no consistency. I honestly think you should consider making it more consistent. You need to run Relentless Rats or Shadowborn Apostles to drive home the consistency, but we are stuck in these inferior colors, so this is really difficult.

Mana Curve

The Mana Curve is pretty decent, but when I looked at the cards in the low end, I went full tilt. None of these spells put a dent in anything, and the spells aren't impactful. You need something that makes a difference when it hits the table, maybe try Scrambleverse or Worldfire at the high end slots, and at the low end slots you might want to consider Mox Ruby, Mox Pearl, and Black Lotus for some speed. You can also run City of Traitors, Rishadan Port, Karakas, or The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale in the land slots, that would help with speed and control. That is just a few suggestions for the low end though.


I am seeing a lack of utility in some very specific areas. You have a great weakness in the coin-flip control area. This seriously is a problem because you can't win in situations that require coin flips. For instance if the opponent forces you to discard your hand, then casts Worldfire with the mana floating to cast Show and Tell and puts their Chance Encounter into play, then uses Donate to throw it to you, you aren't gonna be able to do nothing but sit and hope you win the game after that point. Where if you had Krark's Thumb or a Goblin Bookie in your deck you could have Goblin Tutored the Thumb, held the two mana for after the Worldfire then casted the Thumb, and you would have had a significantly better chance at winning that game. I'd really recommend Krark's Thumb or Goblin Bookie. Just some food for thought.

As for more utility, you have no pancake potential. You can't flip anything. Which means all morph creatures are going to take a toll on your brain, because you are sitting there wondering if killing the face-down creature is gonna bust you up after you touch it. Well fear no more, Break Open exists, and it is in your inferior colors. This one is a card you can't pass up, it is always useful.

You also can't play any of the opponents cards, which is a huge disadvantage in your case, as the opponent has a high chance of playing Blue and Black if they actually joined the game to win. Just in case I'd put in Shaman's Trance so you can play the opponent's flashback spells(on the off chance they have any) as they are significantly better than your entire deck. Also in the same playing field as Shaman's Trance, you should be running Tempest Efreet just so you can get better cards. We are literally scraping for whatever we can get at this point. Grinning Totem is also highly desirable.

Which Direction The Deck Should Go

I honestly think you should consider playing North Star if you are gonna continue running these colors, that way you can at least pretend you are casting better spells in the superior colors of Magic.


Alright so in summary, after taking into consideration all of my suggestions, you really should just scrap this trash and make something in Black or Blue. I'd also recommend trying to play a real format, as this is basically just rolling dice and counting the higher numbers as winners.

Gidgetimer on How does flickering a manifested …

7 years ago

Stick with me here through this process and please remember that magic cards can not "look forward" to see the end result of something.

  1. Manifest has you put the top card of your library on the battlefield face down. It specifies "face down" so any card can enter and it enters face down.

  2. You cast Cloudshift and it resolves.

  3. The card is exiled and revealed.

  4. The card attempts to re-enter, Cloudshift doesn't specify so it attempts to re-enter face up.

At no point in this process did anything try to turn a face down instant or sorcery on the battlefield face up. Turning face up is a specific game action that never happened. A face down card was exiled- perfectly acceptable. The card attempted to re-enter and since face down was not specified for this entry it attempts to enter face up. If that card is an instant or sorcery it can not enter. The rule that you are caught up on is referencing three cards that were printed in Onslaught block that allowed you to flip other cards face up. Break Open, Ixidor, Reality Sculptor, and Skirk Alarmist.

clayperce on So I hate friends....

8 years ago

I do know a few terrible cards though ...

And a few that could be fun(?) depending on the other cards in your Cube ...

And you just gotta run the Band Lands: Adventurers' Guildhouse; Cathedral of Serra; Mountain Stronghold; Seafarer's Quay; and Unholy Citadel

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