Sigil of the New Dawn

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sigil of the New Dawn


Whenever a creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay . If you do, return that card to your hand.

NTakamura on Similar cards to Sigil of …

7 months ago

I was wondering if there were any similar cards to Sigil of the New Dawn in only white. I need the creature to be returned to my hand.

hyped1221 on Darien, King of Kjeldor Token/Lifegain EDH

2 years ago

IHATENAMES - Thanks for visiting and the suggestions. Heraldic Banner is in my maybeboard. It is a great card and I have ran it in here before. Personally I feel like it doesn't need a full time slot at the moment. Sigil of the New Dawn isn't too bad. I usually do not mind if something goes in the graveyard though, and I don't really want to pay two mana to put it back in my hand. Now if it said permanent... Enduring Renewal is a hard pass lol! While I understand cards that force you to play with your hand revealed have their place in the game, I personally hate them and completely avoid using them in any of my decks.

Soulus101 - Thanks for all of the suggestions! Blasting Station, Ashnod's Altar, and Jade Monolith are all in my maybeboard. I have not slotted any of them back in the deck for quite some time, but may in the future. I agree on all points that they are great in this deck! Dingus Staff is a card I have sleeved (along with all of my maybeboard) ready to go in. I honestly have never slotted it or played with it yet. Thus it is not on the list. It really is a fantastic card in the deck. I think my hesitancy lies in the fact that I watched a fellow Darien player die to it from a well timed boardwipe. Very funny, but it made me realize it is dangerous when you can get up there in token count and take fatal damage before any triggers go off. Having a sac outlet would make it safer but I am not currently running any. Thanks for recommending it again!

Leny1777 - Thank you as well for stopping by. As far as competitive I would say this deck really isn't anywhere near that. I only run one infinite combo in the deck (Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista) and will only ever tutor for it if the game is taking forever and want a chance to try to end it.

In my opinion Mana Vault and Mana Crypt are staples for a Darien deck if you have the budget. Their power level from a mana cost standpoint are incredible, and being able to ping ourselves with both is over the top value. I appreciate the kind words about the deck though. Thank you!

IHATENAMES on Bounce and Ye Shall… Bounce?

2 years ago

Here are some ideas

Angel of the Ruins might be good. Late game Removal with plains cycle

Ambitious Farmhand  Flip tutors a land

Armillary Sphere works well 4 mana draw 2 lands and you have recursion already in the deck. Helps keep a lot more hands off this one card doing work.

Alms Collector staxy card draw

Knight of the White Orchid ramp

Loyal Warhound ramp

Wandering Archaic  Flip More powerful effect than it looks

Expedition Map land tutor

Ondu Inversion  Flip boardwipe that's a land

Emeria, The Sky Ruin recursion late game

Enduring Renewal recursion

Warping Wail multi use preferably counterspell for sorcery

Sigil of the New Dawn recursion

Some sac outlets like Altar of Dementia or Fanatical Devotion or Martyr's Cause

Perhaps Eldrazi Monument orAkroma's Memorial for evasion

Guardian of Faith protection

Field of the Dead tokens

Odric, Lunarch Marshal so you commander has double strike. Your tokens have vigilance. Some rando dorks have flying. It can easily be evasion/threatening in this deck.

Beyond that good Ole elesh norn grand celobite it a powerhouse

This is just a few ideas ramp =card draw kinda so adding more ramp may fix the card draw issue you were talking about.

IHATENAMES on Darien, King of Kjeldor Token/Lifegain EDH

2 years ago

I have a darien deck modified from the commander quarter video. Sigil of the New Dawn Heraldic Banner perhaps Enduring Renewal might be worth looking at.

libraryjoy on Who dat boi - please help

3 years ago

And this may be more than you were looking for, but here's actually how I deck build. I start with ONE card that I want to use. In the case of the deeper cut, it was Novablast Wurm . Then I figure out what it needs to do - in this case, destroy everyone else's creatures - but not mine! So how do I make mine survive? Make them indestructible. There are other options for this ( Shield of the Oversoul is my favorite), but Dauntless Escort seemed an inexpensive and good option for keeping my whole field alive. But it only works for one turn, so what do I need? Recursion. Preferably repeatable. Enter Sigil of the New Dawn . What if I don't have Dauntless Escort? Then I want to be able to get benefit out of all my creatures dying. There are obviously other ways I could do this, but sacrifice abilities seemed a good option. I could have added black to beef up the sacrifice aspect, but as a general rule, I stick with 2 colors unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise. Plus, sacrifice has synergy with recursion. At that point, it was just a matter of a Gatherer search to find green and white creatures with sacrifice and recursion abilities that would not break the bank. And fill in to make sure I include artifact/enchantment removal, card draw, etc. Last, I put in 2 Zirda, the Dawnwaker because I wanted to make it cheaper to recur as much of my board as possible at once, and it also discounts other activated sacrifice abilities. I wished I could use it as the companion for the deck, but there was one card at that point that didn't have an activated ability - the Wurm! And getting rid of it would nerf the whole deck, so it just has to ride it out in the deck. There's probably room for tweaking in there (more Sigil? Artifact removal? Anti-flying?), but I feel like it's a good start that can be adjusted after playtesting. I do feel like this deck would draw a lot of hate, so not something I'd play. I prefer a to innocently build a boardstate until I Overrun my opponents. Did I mention I play a lot of Selesnya? ;)

Optimator on Giant's Deck

3 years ago

Even though you are primarily Giant-Tribal, you may still want to have a small suite of "Brion" cards.

I have a Feldon of the Third Path and Mimic Vat, both of which are extremely good in Brion decks. I also have a Adarkar Valkyrie, which can be good too.

Gift of Immortality is extremely good with Brion. I don't have one though.

Sigil of the New Dawn isn't the most efficient, but can be good.

I have a Serra Avatar too, which is the best Fling-able creature around. Evra, Halcyon Witness is great too, but I don't have one. It's cheap though. A Stalking Vengeance would double up Brion's damage, but I don't think I have one either. Reya Dawnbringer is way mana-expensive but can be useful with such pricey giants dying left and right.

Flameshadow Conjuring can be good with Brion too. I don't think I have one though.

Phyrexian Processor is one of the craziest pieces of Brion tech around. It's not too expensive--I would totally slide this card in, even if I was doing Giant Tribal. You can get blown out, but the payoff is enormous.

Another piece of Brion tech is Grafted Exoskeleton, if you wanna be dirty.

Since Brion isn't the center of the strategy, protecting him isn't at such a premium. Cards like Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves are still good for protecting your big giants though. It may be worth sliding some cards like that in, but since it's a casual deck you may get away with none.

That said, I have Whispersilk Cloak and Mask of Avacyn in my collection.

Another option on a budget is Mirror Shield. Darksteel Plate is pricey but fantastic when you want to stick a huge beater and keep it around.

I have a Cradle of Vitality on-hand. Might be really good!

If you have any more Threaten-effects, those are functionally creature removal with your commander out. Perhaps a couple of cards like that deserve a slot. Captivating Crew is fun because it's repeatable. Song-Mad Treachery  Flip is cool because it's a land too!

I own: Hijack - Grab the Reins - Mass Mutiny - Traitorous Blood - Traitorous Instinct - Portent of Betrayal - Word of Seizing - Harness by Force

There are many more.

Illusionist's Bracers is very good with Brion, even with less of a focus on him. Probably worth keeping in.

I think Minion Reflector won't be good--too expensive. Seance is decent but probably won't be reliable often enough to make it worth a slot.

1empyrean on I want an enchantress commander …

4 years ago

griffstick: Sigil of the New Dawn seems perfect for mutated creatures.

Btw, anyone who wants to can check out my Tayam's Constellation EDH for an already functioning Abzan enchantments deck.

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