Hi there,
I want to make a budget U/W control deck for MTGO Classic/ Legacy so i made a decklist. Now i was wondering what you guys think of this. Is it a good solid deck? Should i switch some cards? Do i need (extra) card draw? What do you think?
Please help me to make a good U/W control deck
Edit 1:
I removed 1x
Luminarch Ascension
, while i love the card it just isnt very effective against very aggresive decks.
Removed 1x Wall of Denials, i think 3 is more then enough.
Removed 2x
Spell Pierce
. I think this was the least viable counterspell in the deck.
Removed 1x
rarely ran into mana trouble
removed 1x
Sphinx of Jwar Isle
I needed some room
Removed 2 other cards that i dont remember anymore xD
Isochron Scepter
So.... i ran this deck and ran into some trouble i'd like to fix.
1. Aggressive decks with a lot of creatures kill me. If more then 2 creatures hit the field, 1 wall is not enough. I also cant get my
Luminarch Ascension
stacks up then.
I do too little damage. If i cant get my stacks up, i have to rely on drawing
Sphinx of Jwar Isle
, and that might not happen until very late into the game.
When something hits the field, it is difficult for me to remove ecept with Swords to Plowshare. How should i handle this? should i add Oblivion ring? .
Not a big issue, but i think some card draw could be nice, i just dont know what card to put out. .
Please help me to improve my deck, all input is welcome :D
Edit 2:
Removed 4x
Mental Misstep
i had the feeling this didnt work for me in a lot of situation
Removed 2x
20 lands is enough
Added 2x
Luminarch Ascension
Added 4x
Day of Judgment
With these changes i added more aggression to the deck + i removed one of the weaknesses (Lots of creatures). With this build i also dont need card draw, because my card advantage comes from
Isochron Scepter
Luminarch Ascension
I am quite happy with this deck, but it still needs some more testing.
Advice is still welcome ofcourse~!