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Let the Hunt Begin (Turn 5 Win)

Standard* Aggro Dragons Ramp RG (Gruul) RUG (Temur)



A green/red ramp deck splashing blue for the third colour of Radiant Flames. Please comment on how I could improve this deck.

The turn 5 win is:

Turn 1: Forest.

Turn 2: Mountain and Whisperer of the Wilds.

Turn 3: Forest and Surrak, the Hunt Caller.

Turn 4: Mountain and Thunderbreak Regent.

Turn 5: Forest and Atarka, World Render, swing with Atarka and the regent for 20 damage. The regent can also swing the turn before, which is advisable in case this is disrupted in any way.


Turn 1: Forest.

Turn 2: Mountain and Rattleclaw Mystic.

Turn 3: Forest and Frontier Siege on Khans, second main phase Whisperer of the Wilds.

Turn 4: Surrak, the Hunt Caller and Explosive Vegetation. (Yes, that's right, you only need to play 3 lands!)

Turn 5: Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger (with Haste!).

CARD EXPLAINATION (From Lowest CMC to Highest CMC)

2x Oath of Nissa - Good utility card. Finds us what we need when we need it. That it helps casting Chandra is fine, but probably not relevant.

2x Draconic Roar - Essential Removal. Dragons for the win!

4x Whisperer of the Wilds - Most often ramps you two for two mana, since both Surrak, the Hunt Caller and Thunderbreak Regent turn on Ferocious. Also helps when you've cast your Dragonlord Atarka, but don't have the next land for an Ugin, the Spirit Dragon.

4x Rattleclaw Mystic - Most of the time our most useful mana shaman. Wait to play him if you have another shaman, as if they get removed he can follow up morphed and still reach a Turn 4 Chandra.

4x Explosive Vegetation - One of the best mana rampers in standard. Gets us 7 mana turn 4, which is where we want to be.

4x Frontier Siege - Synergises so well with our mana shamans. Through this we can get a turn 4 Ugin the Sprit Dragon.

3x Surrak, the Hunt Caller - Gives all the bigger things that come after it, like Atarka, World Render or Thunderbreak Regent haste. 5/4 for 4 accelerated out on turn 3 is great defence and if drawn late game gives haste to itself.

4x Thunderbreak Regent - I would go so far as to say this is the best dragon in standard. It protects all your other dragons, gets better in multiples, has great stats and is on curve.

2x Chandra, Flamecaller - A lot of people dislike the new Chandra, but I love her. The pure card advantage from her 0 is great, and she has won me the game almost as many times as Dragonlord Atarka.

2x Atarka, World Render - This is kind of a dragon tribal deck (It does play 8 dragons and one dragon planeswalker) and Atarka, World Render fits right on curve, doing insane amounts of damage.

3x Dragonlord Atarka - 8/8 with flying and trample on curve which comes with a free and strictly better Roast? On turn 4? Sign me up!

1x Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - Expensive, but will win you the game. A trick I like with Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is - X, leaving only my high CMC creatures on an empty board.


4x Jaddi Offshoot - For aggro. When you can block their Monastery Swiftspear on turn 1, you know you're off to a good start. Incremental lifegain throughout the game helps, and if it does die, it will have made them spend at least 1 card to do it.

3x Feed the Clan - We have no less than 14 ferocious enablers in this deck, and gain 10 life against aggro is super helpful

4x Gaea's Revenge - Control will fall beneath my pet elemental!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2x Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger - Insurance that my late game will be better than their late game. Good against other ramp strategies and control.

2x Radiant Flames - Alright, fine. I have to admit that this deck basically turns into an Atarka Red hate deck post board. Frontier Bivouac allows us to get our third colour.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

23 - 6 Rares

10 - 4 Uncommons

4 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.91
Tokens Elemental 3/1 R, Morph 2/2 C
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