Here's what happened!
Match 1: UW Flash (1-2)
In Game 1 my opponent missed land drops and I was able to take advantage and run him over for a quick and easy win. In Game 2 the roles were reversed and I had no chance after being on two lands for the entire game. Game 3 was finally a real game. We would eventually hit a board stall and even though I had my Kozilek's Return combo on line, two Selfless Spirits on the other side was enough to hold off the combo and grind the match out for my opponent. Had I drawn into any spot removal I might of had a chance.
Match 2: RB Zombie Madness (2-0)
Given all the graveyard shenanigans this matchup almost felt like a mirror match. Since both of our decks played similar strategies, we were constantly trying to play around each others resilience resulting in a very grindy matchup. However, my late game and method of board wipes was much stronger than my opponent's since I could tap them out with the Deep-Fiend making it easy to take the match in two games.
Match 3: Temur Aetherworks (1-1-1)
In Game 1 my opponent landed an Emrakul on turn 6 and easily won. After sideboards the matchup was a lot more competitive. I was able to Negate and Ceremoniously Reject my opponent's Marvels and Chandras and go into the late game. My opponent would eventually top deck an Emrakul and hard cast it but I was able to counter it and survive being mind-slaved with an already dominate board to force a Game 3. I was able to counter and stall out into the late game again which would result in a top deck war. I wasn't drawing into any action but I was able to reanimate zombies to pressure my opponents life total. As we went to extra turns it appeared as though that I was going to win but my opponent would top deck a Whirler Virtuoso and make 7 Thopters (yes, he had that much energy) to hold off my lethal attack. What was a great match ended in disappointment for both me and my opponent as I never drew into an Elder-Deep Fiend and he never drew into an Aetherworks Marvel in Game 3.
Match 4: Four Color Eldrazi Walkers (2-0)
If you could count colorless as a color then this was technically a 5 color deck. It played like a super friends control deck that included Thought-Knot Seer and Eldrazi Displacer for added annoyance and was surprisingly consistent. However, thanks to Fevered Visions and my instant speed graveyard shenanigans, I was able to grind out both games pretty easily.
In the games that I was unable to win I was drawing terribly. The deck still proved to be very versatile and resilient but I was unable to overcome my poor top decking skills. I plan on taking the deck to the last FNM of the current standard in hopes that I can pull off 10 wins. Wish me luck!