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Infinite Blast of Genius! (UPDATED FOR JOURNEY)

Standard* UR (Izzet)




Instant (1)

Enchantment (1)

Creature (1)

SUPER fun Izzet deck. Plays around Blast of Genius + Enter the Infinite combo doing 12 direct damage out of nowhere.

Lots of card draw with Blast of Genius and Thoughtflare ...

Dictate of the Twin Gods to double the damage from Blast of Genius

Goblin Electromancer to make all of the instants and sorceries cheaper.

Playtested quite a bit, so please give input!!!

Breakdown of the cards...


Goblin Electromancer - This little guy makes the deck tick. I actually got inspiration for this deck based on his performance in Storm in modern and wanted to build around him and Blast of Genius... the rest is history


Blast of Genius - This is what the deck is built around. Turns each one of your cards into instant damage, AND allows you to draw cards in the process. Standard isn't capable of handling this card unless you're playing control. Let your opponent think he's safe around 10 life... this deck will wreck them for that decision.

Enter the Infinite - You'll never, ever, ever hard cast this card in this deck... it's just the most expensive card in standard right now so it has only 1 job... and that's to finish off your opponent through Blast of Genius. It happens more than you think because of all of the card sifting you're doing.

Catch / Release - The Catch part is all that's relevant here... This can target a planeswalker getting ready to ultimate (I grabbed an Ashiok and used the -10 to empty my opponents hand once) OR it can do 9 damage from Blast of Genius...


Dissolve - With a Goblin Electromancer out, this only costs UU, so it's easy to leave up. The scry helps you find your combo as well. I used to have Counterflux in the main, but this is better.

Riddle of Lightning - Scry 3 and direct damage is exactly what this deck is trying to do. This deck got a LOT better with this card...

Magma Jet - Very important card. Usually goes to the dome, but can also take care of an early creature drop you want to get off the board. Remember, we're racing our opponent to get them to 12 to pull off the combo, so every life point matters. Important to make the correct decision as to where this goes.

Turn / Burn - Did they sneak something past you and you need to take care of it? Don't worry, your cure all card is here to save the day. I've used this three different ways... (1) taking care of a creature, (2) burn damage directly to the face just off the burn side (for only R if Goblin Electromancer is out!), and (3) for five damage when thrown at them based off of Blast of Genius. Very versatile and important card in the deck.

Cyclonic Rift - Overloaded this card just wins games. An easy 2 of in this deck.

Counterflux - Typical Izzet counter. Keeps pressure off in the early game.


Dictate of the Twin Gods - Double direct damage??? I love it!!!


Jace, Architect of Thought - Turns the attention of your opponent away from you while helping dig through your deck and find a combo piece. Also helps against aggro. I've actually been between him and Ral Zarek (for the burn) with this deck, but after extensive play testing, Jace has won out.

So there you have it... a fun, competitive (not Tier 1 mind you... at least I dont think), izzet deck that your opponents will not be ready for.

Really need help with the sideboard as it's setup for control/aggro matchups.

Opinions please!!!


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+2 Dictate of the Twin Gods - wait, so now I can flash this baby in end of turn, and then Blast of Genius damage gets DOUBLED? One shot kills with infinite now??? Sign me up!

+2 Riddle of Lightning - wait, so now I get to scry my Enter the Infinite to the top and it does 12 damage from my deck BEFORE I use Blast of Genius!?! This gets better and better!!!

-4 Thoughtflare - with the scry from Riddle of Lightning and the new scry lands, we wont have to dig as much

Give this puppy a try now guys... 24 damage from Dictate, Blast, and Infinite from out of nowhere!!!

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #58 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 2 Mythic Rares

17 - 9 Rares

16 - 2 Uncommons

8 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.19
Folders izzet, ur, Want to build, Best Decks Ever, FNM To-do list, Ideas, izz, wow
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