I found the archenemy decks to be too weak for my taste, so I powered them all up while trying to retain as much Gatewatch flavor and balance as possible. This deck is what Chandra Nalaar morphed into. I really struggled to make a good mono-red deck given the deckbuilding restrictions I'd placed myself under while still retaining any Chandra flavor. Previous iterations consistently disappointed. Thus I relaxed some of my restrictions a bit for Chandra.
As with all the other decks, my deck building restrictions were no more than 2-of any non-land card and no more than 1 of any rare. However, I allowed her to have 2 copies of Flamewake Phoenix and a third Impetuous Protege since red as so few good low cost creature uncommons that fit her theme). Monetary value is intentionally kept to a minimum.
Chandra's characteristics are emotional, fiery, and impatient. Her emotional side translated into a lot of berserkers. I deliberately tried to avoid goblins, and let me tell you, that made things HARD. Still, I think between berserkers, dragons, and elementals there was just barely enough options to get by. Next her fiery nature is represented by all of her burn spells and many of her creatures being flame themed. Incinerate, Searing Spear, and an assortment of phoenixes bring that across very nicely. Finally her impatient side is represented by a healthy amount of haste. She has Mark of Fury to give haste to her allies' creatures, Fervor to give it to her own, and several of her creatures simply naturally have haste. Early game she as a few berserkers that can sneak in for damage, while late game Ghitu War Cry makes sure that if ANY creature gets through Bolas's defenses it will hit HARD. I'm also replaced the original Chandra, Chandra, Pyromaster with Chandra Nalaar in an attempt to make her a little more relevant. None of the Chandra PWs are very good, and Chandra, Torch of Defiance
is still too expensive for inclusion.
What do you think? Do you know any quintessentially chandra cards that I missed (that are also powerful and inexpensive)? If so comment below.
Other decks in my boxed Archenemy game:
Gideon Jura
Nissa Revane
Nicol Bolas