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All Your Lands Belong to Us!




This deck is all about playing a boat load of Druids (ideally at least 7) by turn 4 or 5 and then overwhelming the opponent with sheer numbers or taking all of the opponents lands with Gilt-Leaf Archdruid , robbing them of a late game.

Almost every Druid in this deck mana ramps to help you play even more Druids as soon as you draw them. Elvish Archdruid and Marwyn, the Nurturer are especially powerful since all our creatures are elves which allow them to tap for a ton of mana. The Archdruid pumps your other creatures and Marwyn can be a 15/15 or stronger by turn 5.

Gilt-Leaf Archdruid and Beast Whisperer are the primary draw engines of the deck and are usually playable by turn 3.

Elvish Clancaller pumps your creatures like the Archdruid does but also can net you another Clancaller for 6 mana if your draw engine stalls.

If you have 7 total Druids in play including Gilt-Leaf Archdruid then you can tap them all and capture all of your opponents mana. If you're winning on the baord at this point then you've essentially sealed the game.

Umbral Mantle combos well with Elvish Archdruid and Marwyn, the Nurturer if you can tap one of them for 4 or more mana since you can then generate unlimited mana and play huge numbers of creatures all while boosting the strength of the creature infinitely as well. This combo can untap and infinitely strengthen all of your creatures that tap for mana after tapping them to capture your opponents lands by simply equipping the new creature with Mantel for 0 mana and continuing the combo.

Ezuri, Renegade Leader gives us an Overrun effect while still being a synergetic elf creature.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

20 - 8 Rares

7 - 6 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.44
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