Afterlife Glory

Standard Tilwin


VampireArmy says... #1

whoa thats a lot of tapped land man. that will get you slaughtered by aggro decks :3 not to mention give midrange and control time to plan against you

February 5, 2014 2:36 a.m.

Tilwin says... #2

VampireArmy I experimented with basic lands too. The problem with the cards involved in this deck is the diversity of colors and combinations, and the heavy colored mana costs.
Let's just look at turn 3 drops. Anger of the Gods is (RR), Hero's Downfall is (BB)... And Boros Reckoner needs anything but black. If I play against aggro, I will want to mainboard all my Anger of the Gods in the favor of Hero's Downfall . I play against control? I want my Hero's Downfall s in to be able to deal with their planeswalkers. I feel Mana screw delays me worse than tapped lands, because without the proper draw on the next turn, I am still stuck... Taplands encourages planning in the favor of chance. With chance sometimes you can get mana screwed, sometimes you're safe...
However, I am curious what lands combination you would recommend.

February 5, 2014 2:59 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #3

well if thats how you feel. i run a dega deck myself and it hits consistent as hell land drops even with basics here and there. i think my main concern for yours is the 12 scry lands. In any event keyrunes are always an option as they are effective creatures (usually) that are also mana rocks

February 5, 2014 3:29 a.m.

MasterYums says... #4

So with only 24 lands do you ever run into a problem with not having enough lands?

February 20, 2014 1:39 p.m.

Tilwin says... #5

That's a good question MasterYums. I've been tempted to get rid of some of the cards for more lands, but the early responses and the curve being quite balanced, I haven't really run into hands running mostly 4+ cost cards. This ain't no Esper Control going 26 lands...
The amount of scry the lands offer kind of help adapt depending on the hand I usually have. I might consider adding a Rakdos Keyrune when running against slow control decks, when the curve usually tends to push towards the higher spectrum. Thanks for the tip!

February 21, 2014 8:13 a.m.

BotaNickill says... #6

Personally, I like to have Dreadbore and Hero's Downfall both in the mainboard, and leave the Doom Blade and Dark Betrayal in my sideboard for devotion or creature heavy decks. It leaves you a little more versatile being able to blast a planeswalker or annoying creature on your turn or theirs. Nice looking deck though.

March 22, 2014 3:53 p.m.

Nyrab says... #7

Really like this deck, so much removal, I'd probably cut one land for a single erebos, as with the double devour flesh it's a fun little combo, it's more card-draw, devotion for mogis and hates on u/w control really well :P

April 8, 2014 11:14 a.m.

Nyrab says... #8

Also you could probably support a couple of copies of Chained to the Rocks cutting one anger, and one devour. Exiling is always pretty good.

April 8, 2014 11:15 a.m.

Tilwin says... #9

Cutting lands would probably be a bad idea in this deck. I need mana to be able to cast my lategame cards, and there's quite a few of those. I initially had this build with 24 lands, and that just wasn't enough - I ended up too many times with 4 lands and cards in my hand waiting for more in order to be played (I'm looking here especially at Elspeth, Sun's Champion ). 26 has proven to work best for me as of now. Perhaps it would make sense if I had a crazy mana sink like Rakdos's Return which is on my list as it is.
Unfortunately I need both Anger of the Gods and Devour Flesh for versatility. I see both weenie decks roaming around as well as Hexproof creatures that need to be handled at instant speed. Plus I love Devour Flesh because it costs only 2 mana - instant speed "unconditional" removal makes it really good.
I also don't run enough mountains for Chained to the Rocks (notice the 3 Sacred Foundry and 2 mountains, making a total of 5). I kept putting it in and out, but with the versatility of both the sideboard and the removal I currently have I don't feel I need Chained to the Rocks that much. A more suitable alternative would be Oblivion Ring and I will definitely include it should it come up in M15. I hate not having access to the versatility offered by Detention Sphere in standard right now.
Revoke Existence is in the sideboard explicitly for exiling pesky indestructibles, and I kept wanting to add a Glare of Heresy somewhere there. Unfortunately I didn't really find room for it and am not so sure what I should remove. It works best again Esper Control, but my sideboard is already focused against it as it is.
As for Erebos, I like both him and Mogis. I might end up removing the two (or maybe only one) Read the Bones to add Erebos. Thanks for the suggestion!

April 9, 2014 7:24 a.m.

mtgplayer100 says... #10

I think you only should play 25 lands. That's what most decks like yours play. Have you been thinking about Mutavault. Mabye two would be good.

April 14, 2014 7:33 a.m.

Tilwin says... #11

Mutavault is not my cup of tea... especially in 3-colored decks. I will probably require Mana Confluence in place of the basics to better fix the costs at no delay. Not so sure whether and how many copies I should include though.

April 18, 2014 7:50 a.m.

alucardx26 says... #12

Nice I like it. This is my take on control

April 19, 2014 8:52 a.m.

emelw says... #14

I can say that this looks really sick. Personally I don't like the current standard meta, because you really need a shitton of evasion and nothing more - which you got a lot of.

What I can think of the top of my head, is that you seem to lack the card draw needed for a deck of this sort. Yes, you can recycle your creatures with Athreos, but otherwise you've got nothing. If you could fit Chandra, Pyromaster , Read the Bones or Underworld Connections , that'd be neat. Erebos, God of the Dead would also be good, and would fit the same role as Skullcrack . Life shouldn't be hard to gain with both the bloodbaron and whip.

(Also, my compliments on your description, I really like the amount of effeort put into it. That's worthy of a +1 on its own.)

April 23, 2014 4:36 p.m.

Grimwolf79 says... #15

The description is really nice, I agree. Cool deck.

April 23, 2014 8:08 p.m.

Tilwin says... #16

alucardx26 thank you so much. I did reply to your deck and I see you were faster with your response :) Nevertheless, thanks :)

emelw, thank you so much for the compliments. I've been working on this deck ever since Threos came out and it's been constantly adapting to the current meta infused with black and Esper Control (which I both despise). I have been playing with Esper Control more lately, but I'm returning back to the roots of chavest now. Okay, let's get to business.
Chandra, Pyromaster is a poor man's choice in my opinion... I don't get the hype around her that well. When she hits the board she has no impact whatsoever. The 1 damage is purely circumstantial. The 0 is just a bad circumstantial draw, and will most probably not be playable if you drop her on turn 4. She's nowhere close to Jace, Architect of Thought 's draw power, and Jace does have a huge impact on hitting the board. Her ultimate would be sick perhaps in combination with Slaughter Games , but other than that and maybe Hero's Downfall I couldn't cast anything... I would need something like Warleader's Helix instead, which I had in my deck at some point...
Read the Bones I previously had in this deck.and it keeps coming and going away. The problem with it is that it takes up important slots and slows me down considering. Remember, this ain't no heavy control deck where I can afford to lose tempo, especially against heavy aggro decks. I'm still experimenting with keeping it and letting it go.
Underworld Connections is highly disappointing with all the enchantment hatred in standard. You need to be very careful when you cast it, and most of the times it replaces itself and that's it. Sure, it can activate Athreos and Mogis, but I'm not that overly excited about it and hasn't performed well in my experiments. We'll see...
Lastly, I am considering Erebos too in place of one of the three Skullcrack s. I have given my reasons in my Dictate of Slaughter deck why he doesn't fit in there, but here it's a different story. I'll definitely experiment with him, thank you very much.
So thanks a lot for the comment. Got me thinking about a few things and that's already great :)

Grimwolf79 thank you so much. I absolutely like keeping things nice, and I completely overlooked the fact that I can use the formatting power this deck offers to my advantage not only for leaving pretty comments, but also for the description of my own decks. :)

April 25, 2014 5:02 a.m.

alucardx26 says... #17

I like it

May 6, 2014 7:07 a.m.

Grimwolf79 says... #18

Nyx-Fleece Ram is the real name

May 6, 2014 11:52 p.m.

Tilwin says... #19

Haha, thanks Grimwolf79. I know it was initially spoiled with a wrong name so I always mess them up. Thanks for the clarification! :D

May 7, 2014 2:29 a.m.

ShokDragon says... #20

I'm just looking at the mana costs of all these creatures and spells. Most of them cost two of whatever colour. If you were to find a way to get these creatures out for cheaper, I think that would be a vast improvement.

May 12, 2014 6:50 a.m.

Rlverwlnd says... #21

I really like this deck and I have most of these cards. I think I'm gonna make a version of it! Really nice +1

May 13, 2014 6:20 p.m.

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