UB Control

Standard xOmurax


Sunday night results —March 18, 2018

Went 1-3 in my first magic tournament.

Round 1 - 0-2 First game I went against a different Merfolk deck that was more focused around Rhonas the Indomitable and Nissa, Steward of Elements. I lost game 1 very fast and once side boarded I went the distance and lost at stoppage time.

Round 2 - 0-2 I went up against RB Pirates and lost both games very very fast. Once he side boarded and went 4 Kitesail Freebooter 4 Duress and 4 Doomfall it was all over fast.

Round 3 - 2-0 I went up against the traditional Merfolk that relied on Hadana's Climb  Flip and exploring. I know this person and played against him multiple times so I knew what to expect. He did take me down to 3 life but once I got on top it was over.

Round 4 - 0-2 The last game of the day I went against RBW vehicals. I never knew this existed and it took me by surprise game 1. Game 2 I thought I was in a good spot but didn't know Walking Ballista can ping me even after it attacks and Lightning Strike to the face.

Summary - Definitely need the Vraska's Contempt to deal with plainswalkers. The Never / Return just doesn't get the job done. Might need to try and find a way to go more mid ranged to deal with the heavy aggro I went up against. Might try to add in some Champion of Wits, Gonti, Lord of Luxury, Demon of Dark Schemes, Dire Fleet Poisoner, Glint-Sleeve Siphoner. What other things can I do to make it more mid ranged without the addition of The Scarab God?

Mice_Overseer says... #1

Looking at your maybeboard, Fatal Push will retain its value after rotation because of its use in eternal formats, so I'd get a playset of those to replace your Essence Extractions and move some of your Moment of Cravings to the sideboard. An extra Search for Azcanta  Flip is good for the same reason, plus it doesn't rotate out for another year. Finally, Golden Demise is a cheap, easy-to-cast board clear that's excellent sideboard material against token decks and doesn't put you in time out for a turn. Good luck, keep us updated on how this goes!

March 13, 2018 8:39 a.m.